sitting pretty

sitting pretty
a) Having a comfortable or certain supply of money or resources.

Lauren Hutton, 28, was sitting pretty. The omnipresent model had just signed a two-year, $200,000 contract.

b) In a favorable situation, especially a situation in which one possesses an advantage.

Im in control. Im sitting pretty. They cant unseat me, and I warn them not to try.

Syn: living on easy street

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  • Sitting Pretty — may refer to:* Sitting Pretty (1948 film), starring Robert Young, Maureen O Hara and Clifton Webb * Sitting Pretty (1933 film), featuring Jack Oakie, Jack Haley and Ginger Rogers * Sitting Pretty (1929 film) * Sitting Pretty (1924 musical), a… …   Wikipedia

  • sitting pretty — {adj.}, {slang} To be in a lucky position. * /The new library is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $10,000 worth of reference books./ * /Mr. Jones was sitting pretty until his $25,000 a year job was dropped by the company./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sitting pretty — {adj.}, {slang} To be in a lucky position. * /The new library is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $10,000 worth of reference books./ * /Mr. Jones was sitting pretty until his $25,000 a year job was dropped by the company./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • sitting pretty — 1. Enjoying one s advantageous position 2. Happily unaffected by problems besetting others • • • Main Entry: ↑pretty sitting pretty see under ↑pretty • • • Main Entry: ↑sit * * * sitting pretty …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sitting Pretty — Bonne à tout faire Bonne à tout faire (Sitting Pretty) est un film américain réalisé par Walter Lang, sorti en 1948. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Lien ext …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sitting\ pretty — adj slang To be in a lucky position. The new library is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $10,000 worth of reference books. Mr. Jones was sitting pretty until his $25,000 a year job was dropped by the company …   Словарь американских идиом

  • sitting pretty —    Someone who is sitting pretty is in a good or fortunate situation, especially compared to others who are not so lucky.     He sold his shares at a good time so he s now sitting pretty and enjoying life …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

  • sitting pretty — in a good situation. She s sitting pretty as one of the music world s fastest rising stars. These investments can provide cash to keep you sitting pretty once you retire …   New idioms dictionary

  • sitting pretty — mod. doing very nicely; in a very pleasant and secure position. □ If I get the job, I’ll be sitting pretty for a long time. D She married a millionaire, and now she’s sitting pretty …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • sitting pretty — in a good position, in favorable circumstances    Rich in oil and timber resources, Alberta was sitting pretty …   English idioms

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