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phlebostasis — 1. Abnormally slow motion of blood in veins, usually with venous distention. 2. Treatment of congestive heart failure by compressing proximal veins of the extremities with tourniquets. SYN: bloodless phlebotomy. SYN: venostasis … Medical dictionary
bloodless phlebotomy — phlebostasis (def. 2) … Medical dictionary
venostasis — noun phlebostasis … Wiktionary
phlebotomy — Incision into or needle puncture of a vein for the purpose of drawing blood. SYN: venesection, venotomy. [phlebo + G. tome, incision] bloodless p. SYN: phlebostasis (2). * * * phle·bot·o·my fli bät ə mē … Medical dictionary
venostasis — SYN: phlebostasis. [veno + G. stasis, a standing] * * * ve·nos·ta·sis vi näs tə səs n, pl ta·ses .sēz an abnormal slowing or stoppage of the flow of blood in a vein * * * ve·no·sta·sis (ve″no staґsis) [veno + stasis] venous stasis … Medical dictionary
venous stasis — cessation or impairment of venous flow, such as with venous insufficiency; see also stasis ulcer, under ulcer. Called also phlebostasis and venostasis … Medical dictionary