- double scull
a) A light, narrow rowing boat, especially one used in competitive rowing, in which a two rowers each have two oars
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Double scull — A contrasting coxless pair … Wikipedia
double-scull — ● double scull, doubles sculls nom masculin (anglais double scull, aviron à couple) En aviron, bateau de deux équipiers ramant en couple, sans barreur. double scull [dubləskœl] n. m. ÉTYM. 1887, in Petiot; mot angl., de double « … Encyclopédie Universelle
double scull — intransitive verb of a skater : to move backward by weighting the inner edge of each skate and moving the feet alternately apart and together * * * double scull, a light racing boat for two rowers. dou|ble scull «DUHB uhl SKUHL», transitive verb … Useful english dictionary
double scull — double sculla [dúbl skúl in dábl skál] m (ū ȗ; ȃ ȃ) šport. tekmovalni čoln za dva veslača s po dvema vesloma: voziti z double scullom / dobila sta zlato kolajno v double scullu … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
double scull — dep (piragüismo) Embarcación tripulada por dos piragüistas. Voz que se escribe entrecomillada o en cursiva … Diccionario español de neologismos
double scull — /dʌbəl ˈskʌl/ (say dubuhl skul) noun a rowing boat built to accommodate two rowers, each with two oars. Compare pair (def. 9) …
scull — [ skyl; skɶl ] n. m. • 1876; mot angl., du suéd. skal ♦ Anglic. Sport Bateau d aviron de compétition monté en couple. Des sculls. Double scull, monté par deux rameurs ayant chacun deux avirons. ● scull nom masculin (anglais scull) En aviron, rame … Encyclopédie Universelle
dou|ble-scull — double scull, a light racing boat for two rowers. dou|ble scull «DUHB uhl SKUHL», transitive verb, intransitive verb. to row (a double scull) with four oars … Useful english dictionary
scull — sculler, n. /skul/, n. 1. an oar mounted on a fulcrum at the stern of a small boat and moved from side to side to propel the boat forward. 2. either of a pair of oars rowed by one rower. 3. a boat propelled by an oar or oars. 4. a light, narrow… … Universalium
Quad scull — Germany 1982: Martin Winter (front), Uwe Heppner (second), Uwe Mund (third), and Karl Heinz Bußert (last) A quad scull, or quadruple scull in full, is a rowing boat used in the sport of competitive rowing. It is designed for four persons who… … Wikipedia