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radiodermatitis — f. dermat. Lesión en la piel debido a la incidencia de radiaciones ionizantes. Las lesiones pueden aparecer poco después de la exposición o mucho después. Las prematuras suelen producir una zona de enrojecimiento, edemas y bullas; en los casos… … Diccionario médico
Radiodermatitis — is a skin disease associated with prolonged exposure to radiation. It is most commonly found in people working in the medical field who worked extensively with imaging devices. New cases are less common now than they were at the advent of these… … Wikipedia
radiodermatitis — radiodermatìtis m DEFINICIJA term. posljedica djelovanja ionizirajućeg zračenja na kožu ETIMOLOGIJA radio 2 + v. dermatitis … Hrvatski jezični portal
Radiodermatitis — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 L58 Radiodermatitis … Deutsch Wikipedia
radiodermatitis — Dermatitis due to exposure to x rays or gamma rays causing ionization of tissue water with acute changes resembling thermal injury. * * * ra·dio·der·ma·ti·tis .dər mə tīt əs n … Medical dictionary
Radiodermatitis — Strahlendermatitis … Universal-Lexikon
Radiodermatitis — Radio|dermati̱tis [↑radio... u. ↑Dermatitis] oder … Das Wörterbuch medizinischer Fachausdrücke
Radiodermatitis — Ra|dio|der|ma|ti|tis . Ra|dio|der|mi|tis die; , ...itiden: durch ionisierende Strahlung hervorgerufene Hautentzündung mit Rötung u. Blasenbildung … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
radiodermatitis — ra·dio·dermatitis … English syllables
radiodermatitis — n. inflammation of the skin after exposure to ionizing radiation. This may occur after a short dose of heavy radiation (radiotherapy or atomic explosions) or prolonged exposure to small doses, as may happen accidentally to X ray workers. The skin … The new mediacal dictionary