- luna moth
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Luna moth — Luna Lu na, n. [L.; akin to lucere to shine. See {Light}, n., and cf. {Lune}.] 1. The moon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Alchemy) Silver. [1913 Webster] {Luna cornea} (Old Chem.), horn silver, or fused silver chloride, a tough, brown, translucent mass; so… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
luna moth — ☆ luna moth [lo͞o′nə ] n. a large, North American moth (Actias luna) with crescent marked, pastel green wings, the hind pair of which end in elongated tails … English World dictionary
luna moth — a large, pale green, American moth, Actias luna, having purple brown markings, lunate spots, and long tails. Also, Luna moth. [1850 55, Amer.] * * * Species (Actias luna) of saturniid moth of eastern North America. Lunas are pale green and have a … Universalium
luna moth — /ˈlunə mɒθ/ (say loohnuh moth) noun a large American moth, Tropaea luna, with light green colouration, purple brown markings, lunate spots, and long tails. Also, Luna moth …
luna moth — noun Etymology: New Latin luna (specific epithet of Actias luna), from Latin, moon Date: 1869 a large mostly pale green American saturniid moth (Actias luna) with long tails on the hind wings … New Collegiate Dictionary
luna moth — lu′na moth n. ent a pale green saturniid moth, Actias luna, with crescent spots and long tails on the hind wings • Etymology: 1850–55, amer … From formal English to slang
luna moth — noun a large North American moth having pale green wings with long tails and transparent eyespots bearing crescent shaped markings. [Actias luna.] Origin C19: from L. luna moon (from its markings) … English new terms dictionary
luna moth — n. a N. American moth, Actias luna, with crescent shaped spots on its pale green wings. Etymology: L luna, = moon (from its markings) … Useful english dictionary
Luna — is the Latin name of the Earth s Moon ( la. lūna) as well as the Roman moon goddess Luna. Luna may also refer to: Places ;Europe * Luna (Etruria), a city in ancient Etruria (now Italy) destroyed by the Arabs in 1016 * Luna, Cluj, Romania * Luna… … Wikipedia
Luna — Lu na, n. [L.; akin to lucere to shine. See {Light}, n., and cf. {Lune}.] 1. The moon. [1913 Webster] 2. (Alchemy) Silver. [1913 Webster] {Luna cornea} (Old Chem.), horn silver, or fused silver chloride, a tough, brown, translucent mass; so… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English