- presumptive
By late May, he was already considered his partys presumptive nominee.
Forgive me for being presumptive, but arent you and Mark engaged?
Wikipedia foundation.
By late May, he was already considered his partys presumptive nominee.
Forgive me for being presumptive, but arent you and Mark engaged?
Wikipedia foundation.
presumptive — pre·sump·tive /pri zəmp tiv/ adj 1: based on presumption: presumed to have occurred a presumptive violation of law 2: giving grounds for reasonable opinion or belief pre·sump·tive·ly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. M … Law dictionary
Presumptive — Pre*sump tive, a. [Cf. F. pr[ e]somptif.] 1. Based on presumption or probability; grounded on probable evidence; probable; as, presumptive proof. [1913 Webster] 2. Presumptuous; arrogant. [R.] Sir T. Browne. [1913 Webster] {Presumptive evidence}… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Presumptive — may refer to: * Heir presumptive, a person who is expected to inherit a throne, peerage, or other hereditary honor, but their position can be displaced by the birth of another person with a better claim to the position * Presumptive nominee, a… … Wikipedia
presumptive — [prē zump′tiv, prizump′tiv] adj. [Fr présomptif < LL praesumptivus < L praesumptus: see PRESUMPTION] 1. giving reasonable ground for belief [presumptive evidence] 2. based on probability; presumed [an heir presumptive] presumptively adv … English World dictionary
presumptive — (adj.) speculative, mid 15c., from Fr. présomptif, from L.L. praesumptivus, from L. praesumptus, from praesumere (see PRESUME (Cf. presume)). The heir presumptive (1620s) is presumed to be the heir if the heir apparent is unavailable … Etymology dictionary
presumptive — adjective Date: 15th century 1. based on probability or presumption < the presumptive nominee > 2. giving grounds for reasonable opinion or belief 3. being an embryonic precursor with the potential for forming a particular structure or tissue in… … New Collegiate Dictionary
presumptive — presumptively, adv. /pri zump tiv/, adj. 1. affording ground for presumption: presumptive evidence. 2. based on presumption: a presumptive title. 3. regarded as such by presumption; based on inference. 4. Embryol. pertaining to the part of an… … Universalium
presumptive — pre·sump·tive pri zəm(p) tiv adj 1) expected to develop in a particular direction under normal conditions <presumptive regions of the blastula> 2) being the embryonic precursor of <presumptive neural tissue> * * * pre·sump·tive (pre… … Medical dictionary
presumptive — , presumptuous The first is sometimes used when the second is intended. Presumptuous means impudent and inclined to take liberties, or to act in a manner that is excessively bold and forthright. Presumptive means giving grounds to presume and… … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
presumptive — adjective formal or technical based on a reasonable belief about what is likely to be true: a presumptive diagnosis presumptively adverb see also: heir presumptive … Longman dictionary of contemporary English