
Resembling or characteristic of grease.

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  • greasy — greasily, adv. greasiness, n. /gree see, zee/, adj., greasier, greasiest. 1. smeared, covered, or soiled with grease. 2. composed of or containing grease; oily: greasy food. 3. greaselike in appearance or to the touch; slippery. 4. insinuatingly… …   Universalium

  • lagomorph — lagomorphic, lagomorphous, adj. /lag euh mawrf /, n. any member of the order Lagomorpha, comprising the hares, rabbits, and pikas, resembling the rodents but having two pairs of upper incisors. [1880 85; < NL Lagomorpha name of the order, equiv.… …   Universalium

  • tusche — /toosh/; Ger. /toosh euh/, n. a greaselike liquid used in lithography as a medium receptive to lithographic ink, and in etching and silkscreen as a resist. [1905 10; < G Tusche, n. deriv. of tuschen to lay on color or ink < F toucher to TOUCH] *… …   Universalium

  • greasy — greas•y [[t]ˈgri si, zi[/t]] adj. greas•i•er, greas•i•est 1) smeared, covered, or soiled with grease 2) composed of or containing grease; oily: greasy food[/ex] 3) greaselike in appearance or to the touch; slippery 4) cvb insinuatingly unctuous… …   From formal English to slang

  • tusche — tusch•e [[t]ˈtʊʃ ə[/t]] n. pri fia a greaselike liquid used in lithography as a medium receptive to lithographic ink, and in etching and silkscreen as a resist • Etymology: 1905–10; < G, n. der. of tuschen to lay on color or ink < F toucher …   From formal English to slang

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