- material conditional
A implies B is a material conditional.
Wikipedia foundation.
A implies B is a material conditional.
Wikipedia foundation.
Material conditional — The material conditional, also known as material implication, is a binary truth function, such that the compound sentence p→q (typically read if p then q or p implies q ) is logically equivalent to the negative compound: not (p and not q). A… … Wikipedia
material conditional — material implication … Philosophy dictionary
Conditional (programming) — Conditional statement redirects here. For the general concept in logic, see Material conditional. In computer science, conditional statements, conditional expressions and conditional constructs are features of a programming language which perform … Wikipedia
Conditional — may refer to: Causal conditional, if X then Y, where X is a cause of Y Conditional mood (or conditional tense), a verb form in many languages Conditional probability, the probability of an event A given that another event B has occurred… … Wikipedia
Conditional sentence — For the non custodial punishment for a crime in Canada, see conditional sentence (Canada). In grammar, conditional sentences are sentences discussing factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Languages use a variety… … Wikipedia
conditional — Any proposition of the form ‘if p then q ’. The condition hypothesized, p, is called the antecedent of the conditional, and q the consequent. Various kinds of conditional have been distinguished. The weakest is that of material implication,… … Philosophy dictionary
conditional — 1. noun a) More completely conditional sentence, a statement that depends on a condition being true or false. A implies B is a conditional. b) The conditional mood … Wiktionary
Conditional disjunction — In logic, the term conditional disjunction can refer to: conditioned disjunction, a ternary logical connective introduced by Alonzo Church; a rule in classical logic that the material conditional ¬p → q is equivalent to the disjunction p ∨ q, so… … Wikipedia
material implication — noun An implication as defined in classical propositional logic, leading to the truth of paradoxes of implication such as Q (P P), to be read as any proposition whatsoever is a sufficient condition for a true proposition . Syn: material… … Wiktionary
Conditional quantifier — In logic, a conditional quantifier is a kind of Lindström quantifier (or generalized quantifier) QA that, relative to a classical model A, satisfies some or all of the following conditions ( X and Y range over arbitrary formulas in one free… … Wikipedia