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disseminule — [di sem′ə nyo͞ol΄] n. [ DISSEMINATE + ULE] Biol. a detachable plant organ or structure of an organism capable of being dispersed and of propagating, as a seed, resting egg, etc … English World dictionary
disseminule — noun Date: 1904 a part or organ (as a seed or spore) of a plant that ensures propagation … New Collegiate Dictionary
disseminule — n. [L. dis, away from; seminare, to sow] One who originates colonization … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
disseminule — /di sem euh nyoohl /, n. Bot. any propagative part of a plant, as a bud, seed, or spore, that is capable of disseminating the plant. [1900 05; prob. DISSEMIN(ATE) + ULE] * * * … Universalium
disseminule — [dɪ sɛmɪnju:l] noun Botany a part of a plant that serves to propagate it, such as a seed or a fruit. Origin early 20th cent.: formed irregularly from dissemination (see disseminate) + ule … English new terms dictionary
disseminule — dis·sem·i·nule … English syllables
disseminule — dis•sem•i•nule [[t]dɪˈsɛm əˌnyul[/t]] n. bot any propagative part of a plant, as a bud, seed, or spore • Etymology: 1900–05; prob. dissemin (ate) + ule … From formal English to slang
disseminule — ˌnyül noun ( s) Etymology: disseminate + ule : a part or organ of a plant that ensures propagation (as a seed or spore) … Useful english dictionary
diaspore — /duy euh spawr , spohr /, n. 1. a mineral, aluminum oxyhydroxide, AlO(OH), occurring in crystals, or more usually in lamellar or scaly masses: a principal constituent of bauxite and an important source of aluminum. 2. Bot. a disseminule, esp. one … Universalium
diaspore — ˈdīəˌspō(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: Greek diaspora dispersion, scattering 1. : a mineral consisting of aluminum hydrogen oxide HAlO2 and occurring in white lamellar masses with pearly luster or in prismatic orthorhombic crystals 2. : disseminule; … Useful english dictionary