Penny — A penny (pl. pence or pennies) is a coin or a unit of currency used in several English speaking countries.ValueIn the 8th century, Charlemagne declared that 240 pennies or pfennigs should be minted from a pound of silver. A Carolingian pound was… … Wikipedia
List of numbers — This is a list of articles about numbers ( not about numerals). Rational numbers Notable rational numbers Natural numbers * There is no consistent and widely accepted way to extend cardinals beyond centillion (centilliard). Proposed systematic… … Wikipedia
3M computer — 3M was a goal first proposed in the early 1980s Raj Reddy and his colleagues at CMU as a minimum specification for academic/technical workstations: at least a megabyte of memory, a megapixel display and a Million instructions per second or MIPS… … Wikipedia
Workstation — Sun SPARCstation 1+, 25 MHz RISC processor from early 1990s A workstation is a high end microcomputer designed for technical or scientific applications. Intended primarily to be used by one person at a time, they are commonly connected to a… … Wikipedia
SUN workstation — The original Stanford University Network SUN workstation was designed to be a low cost ($10,000) personal workstation for computer aided logic design work. The design goal was to create a 3M computer: a 1 MIPS processor, 1 Megabyte of memory and… … Wikipedia