- depravity
Depravity in the oppressed is no apology for the oppressor.
There were men there who had committed merciless robberies, cruel murders, heartless swindles, abominable depravities.
Wikipedia foundation.
Depravity in the oppressed is no apology for the oppressor.
There were men there who had committed merciless robberies, cruel murders, heartless swindles, abominable depravities.
Wikipedia foundation.
Depravity — De*prav i*ty, n. [From {Deprave}: cf. L. pravitas crookedness, perverseness.] The state of being depraved or corrupted; a vitiated state of moral character; general badness of character; wickedness of mind or heart; absence of religious feeling… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Depravity — may refer to: Total depravity, a theological doctrine that derives from the Augustinian concept of original sin Lack of morality Sin, an act that violates a known moral rule Depravity (album), an album by A Plea for Purging See also Deprivation… … Wikipedia
depravity — de·prav·i·ty /di pra və tē/ n pl ties 1: the quality or state of being depraved 2: a corrupt act or practice Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
depravity — 1640s; see DEPRAVE (Cf. deprave) + ITY (Cf. ity). Earlier in same sense was pravity, from L. pravitas … Etymology dictionary
depravity — [n] corruption, immorality abandonment, baseness, contamination, criminality, debasement, debauchery, degeneracy, degradation, depravation, evil, iniquity, lewdness, licentiousness, perversion, profligacy, sensuality, sinfulness, vice,… … New thesaurus
depravity — [dē prav′ə tē, diprav′ə tē] n. [altered (after DEPRAVE) < obs. pravity < L pravitas, crookedness] 1. a depraved condition; corruption; wickedness 2. pl. depravities a depraved act or practice … English World dictionary
depravity — [[t]dɪpræ̱vɪti[/t]] N UNCOUNT Depravity is very dishonest or immoral behaviour. [FORMAL] I have seen the absolute depravity that can exist in times of war. ...the righteous struggle between decency and depravity. Syn: immorality … English dictionary
depravity — noun the depravity of white slavers Syn: corruption, vice, perversion, deviance, degeneracy, immorality, debauchery, dissipation, profligacy, licentiousness, lechery, prurience, obscenity, indecency; wickedness, sin, iniquity; formal turpitude … Thesaurus of popular words
depravity — deprave ► VERB ▪ lead away from what is natural or right; corrupt. DERIVATIVES depravity noun. ORIGIN Latin depravare, from pravus crooked, perverse … English terms dictionary
Depravity (album) — Depravity Studio album by A Plea for Purging Released March 3, 2009 … Wikipedia