- possessive adjective
"My", "its" and "his" are possessive adjectives.
Wikipedia foundation.
"My", "its" and "his" are possessive adjectives.
Wikipedia foundation.
Possessive adjective — Examples Do you like my new dress? Please wash your hands. Her train leaves in an hour. English grammar series English grammar Contraction … Wikipedia
possessive adjective — noun : a pronominal adjective expressing possession (as my in my hat, his in his answer) * * * possessive adjective, an adjective that shows possession, formed from a personal pronoun. My, your, his, etc., are possessive adjectives … Useful english dictionary
possessive adjective — /pəzɛsɪv ˈædʒəktɪv/ (say puhzesiv ajuhktiv) noun Grammar the adjectival form of a possessive pronoun, as my, his, her, our, etc …
possessive adjective — noun Date: 1870 a pronominal adjective expressing possession … New Collegiate Dictionary
possessive adjective — (Grammar) pronominal adjective that expresses possession (my, your, his, her, its, our and their) … English contemporary dictionary
Possessive — may be:* Possessive case * Possessive adjective * Possessive pronoun * Possessive suffix * Possessive construction, pattern among words indicating possession (linguistics) See also * Possession (disambiguation) * Possessed (disambiguation) * The… … Wikipedia
possessive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) demanding someone s total attention and love. 2) unwilling to share one s possessions. 3) Grammar expressing possession. DERIVATIVES possessively adverb possessiveness noun … English terms dictionary
Possessive pronoun — A possessive pronoun is a part of speech that attributes ownership to someone or something. Like all other pronouns, it substitutes a noun phrase and can prevent its repetition. For example, in the phrase, These glasses are mine, not yours , the… … Wikipedia
possessive — 1 adjective 1 wanting someone to have feelings of love or friendship only for you: Men are very protective and sometimes possessive towards their daughters. 2 unwilling to let other people use something you own (+ about): He s so possessive about … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
possessive — [[t]pəze̱sɪv[/t]] possessives 1) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ about/of n Someone who is possessive about another person wants all that person s love and attention. Danny could be very jealous and possessive about me... He used to ring his possessive… … English dictionary