- stealthy
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Stealthy — Stealth y ( [y^]), a. [Compar. {Stealthier} ( [i^]*[ e]r); superl. {Stealthiest}.] Done by stealth; accomplished clandestinely; unperceived; secret; furtive; sly. [1913 Webster] [Withered murder] with his stealthy pace, . . . Moves like a ghost.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stealthy — I adjective arcane, artful, catlike, clandestine, dandestinus, cloaked, concealed, covert, crafty, elusive, evasive, feline, furtive, furtivus, hidden, masked, obreptitious, obscure, occultus, privy, prowling, secret, secretive, shrouded, silent … Law dictionary
stealthy — c.1600, from STEALTH (Cf. stealth) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Stealthily; stealthiness … Etymology dictionary
stealthy — *secret, covert, furtive, clandestine, surreptitious, underhand, underhanded Analogous words: *sly, cunning, crafty, artful, tricky, wily: sneaking, slinking, skulking (see LURK) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
stealthy — [adj] quiet and secretive catlike, catty*, clandestine, covert, crafty, cunning, enigmatic, feline, furtive, hush hush*, noiseless, private, secret, shifty, silent, skulking, slinking, sly, sneak, sneaking, sneaky, subrosa*, surreptitious,… … New thesaurus
stealthy — ► ADJECTIVE (stealthier, stealthiest) ▪ characterized by stealth. DERIVATIVES stealthily adverb stealthiness noun … English terms dictionary
stealthy — [stel′thē] adj. stealthier, stealthiest characterized by stealth; secret, furtive, or sly SYN. SECRET stealthily adv. stealthiness n … English World dictionary
stealthy — [[t]ste̱lθi[/t]] stealthier, stealthiest ADJ GRADED Stealthy actions or movements are performed quietly and carefully, so that no one will notice what you are doing. I would creep in and with stealthy footsteps explore the second floor... It was… … English dictionary
stealthy — UK [ˈstelθɪ] / US adjective Word forms stealthy : adjective stealthy comparative stealthier superlative stealthiest quiet and secret so that no one sees or hears you Derived word: stealthily adverb … English dictionary
stealthy — adjective (stealthier; est) Date: 1565 1. slow, deliberate, and secret in action or character 2. a. intended to escape observation ; furtive b. designed to produce a very weak radar return < a stealthy airplane > Synonyms: see secret • steal … New Collegiate Dictionary
stealthy — stealthily, adv. stealthiness, n. /stel thee/, adj., stealthier, stealthiest. done, characterized, or acting by stealth; furtive: stealthy footsteps. [1595 1605; STEALTH + Y1] * * * … Universalium