joe job

joe job
a) An uninteresting, low-level, low-paying job.

Steve Wozniak may be a well-heeled philanthropist and world-renowned tinkerer, but at one time he had a Joe job as an engineer in Hewlett-Packards calculator division.

b) An act of e-mail spamming where the senders identity and address are those of an innocent third party, intended either to tarnish that persons reputation or to flood that persons e-mail with bounces.

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  • joe job — joe ,job noun count CANADIAN INFORMAL a boring job done by people who have low status …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Joe job — Online, a joe job is a spam attack using spoofed sender data and aimed at tarnishing the reputation of the apparent sender and/or induce the recipients to take action against him (see also e mail spoofing). For a related phenomenon that is not… …   Wikipedia

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