- bone meal
Ground bones used as a slow-release fertilizer, especially for bulbs.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Bone meal — is a mixture of crushed and coarsely ground bones that is used as an organic fertilizer for plants and formerly in animal feed. As a slow release fertilizer, bone meal is primarily used as a source of phosphorus.Bone meal once was often used as a … Wikipedia
bone meal — bone′ meal or bone′meal n. agr. bones ground to a coarse powder, used as fertilizer or feed • Etymology: 1840–50, amer … From formal English to slang
bone meal — bone ,meal noun uncount a substance made of crushed bones, used as food for animals or for helping plants to grow … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bone meal — ☆ bone meal n. crushed or finely ground bones, used as feed for stock, as fertilizer, and as a nutritional supplement for humans … English World dictionary
bone meal — noun : bone crushed or ground usually after extraction of fat and gelatin and used chiefly as a fertilizer but also in the feed of farm animals * * * Agric. bones ground to a coarse powder, used as fertilizer or feed. Also, bonemeal. [1840 50,… … Useful english dictionary
bone meal — also bonemeal N UNCOUNT Bone meal is a substance made from animal bones which is used as a fertilizer … English dictionary
bone meal — kaulų miltai statusas Aprobuotas sritis pašarai apibrėžtis Gaminys, gaunamas išdžiovinus ir sumalus šiltakraujų sausumos gyvūnų kaulus be riebalų. Jame neturi būti kailio, šerių, plunksnų, ragų, kanopų, odos, kraujo ir skrandžio bei vidurių… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
bone meal — kaulamilčiai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Malti kaulai. atitikmenys: angl. bone meal rus. костяная мука … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
bone meal — ground bones of animals and fish, high in calcium and phosphorus, and used in fish feeds and as a plant fertiliser. May pollute waters because of the high phosphorus content and so not used as extensively as in the past … Dictionary of ichthyology
bone meal — Agric. bones ground to a coarse powder, used as fertilizer or feed. Also, bonemeal. [1840 50, Amer.] * * * … Universalium