- pumpkin pie
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Pumpkin pie — is a traditional North American sweet dessert usually made in the fall and early winter, especially for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The pumpkin is a symbol of harvest time and featured also at Halloween.The pie consists of a pumpkin based custard … Wikipedia
Pumpkin pie — (Kürbiskuchen) ist ein traditioneller US amerikanischer Nachtisch, der in der Regel nur im Spätherbst und Frühwinter gegessen wird. Das Gericht wird besonders zu Halloween, zum Erntedankfest „Thanksgiving“ und zu Weihnachten serviert. Pumpkin Pie … Deutsch Wikipedia
pumpkin pie — noun Pumpkin pie is used before these nouns: ↑spice … Collocations dictionary
Pumpkin pie spice — is a spice mix commonly used as an ingredient in pumpkin pie and can be used as a seasoning in general cooking. It is also often used in smudge stick ceremonies. It is a derivative of Mixed spice commonly used in English… … Wikipedia
pumpkin pie — noun pie made of mashed pumpkin and milk and eggs and sugar • Hypernyms: ↑pie … Useful english dictionary
The Perfect Pumpkin Pie — The Perfect Pumpkie Pie is a 2005 children s picture book by Denys Cazet.PlotOn Halloween, Mrs. Wikinson bakes a perfect pie for her grouchy husband and reminds him that when they die, there will be no pie. After she said that, her husband yells… … Wikipedia
Pumpkin chunking — (or Punkin Chunkin or pumpkin chucking) is hurling a pumpkin by mechanical means over great heights and distances in an attempt to hurl the pumpkin the farthest. Pumpkin chucking competitions, formal and informal, exist throughout the United… … Wikipedia
pumpkin — 1640s, alteration of pumpion melon, pumpkin (1540s), from M.Fr. pompon, from L. peponem (nom. pepo) melon, from Gk. pepon melon, probably originally cooked by the sun, ripe, from peptein to cook (see COOK (Cf. cook) (n.)). Pumpkin pie is recorded … Etymology dictionary
Pie — Pie, n. [OE. pie, pye; cf. Ir. & Gael. pighe pie, also Gael. pige an earthen jar or pot. Cf. {Piggin}.] 1. An article of food consisting of paste baked with something in it or under it; as, chicken pie; venison pie; mince pie; apple pie; pumpkin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pie crust — Pie Pie, n. [OE. pie, pye; cf. Ir. & Gael. pighe pie, also Gael. pige an earthen jar or pot. Cf. {Piggin}.] 1. An article of food consisting of paste baked with something in it or under it; as, chicken pie; venison pie; mince pie; apple pie;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English