- fully
He fully met his responsibilities.
b) In a full degree; to a full extent.He is fully capable of meeting his responsibilities.
Wikipedia foundation.
He fully met his responsibilities.
He is fully capable of meeting his responsibilities.
Wikipedia foundation.
Fully — Vue d ensemble de la commune. Administration Pays Suisse … Wikipédia en Français
Fully — Escudo … Wikipedia Español
Fully — Basisdaten Staat: Schweiz Kanton … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fully — Ful ly, adv. In a full manner or degree; completely; entirely; without lack or defect; adequately; satisfactorily; as, to be fully persuaded of the truth of a proposition. [1913 Webster] {Fully committed} (Law), committed to prison for trial, in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fully — [adv1] completely, in all respects absolutely, all out*, all the way*, altogether*, entirely, every inch*, from A to Z*, from soup to nuts*, heart and soul*, intimately, outright, perfectly, positively, quite, royal*, thoroughly, through and… … New thesaurus
fully — ► ADVERB 1) completely or entirely. 2) no less or fewer than: fully 65 per cent … English terms dictionary
fully — [fool′ē] adv. [ME fulli < OE fullice < full, FULL1] 1. to the full; completely; entirely; thoroughly 2. abundantly; amply 3. at least [fully two hours later] … English World dictionary
Fully — Fully, Dorf im Schweizercanton Wallis, Bezirk Martinach an der Rhone u. am Fuße des Folaterra; hat von allen schweizerischen Gemeinden die meisten Cretins; 1050 Ew.; die Umgegend hat eine ungemein reichhaltige Flora … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
fully — index fairly (clearly), in toto, wholly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
fully — O.E. fullice entirely, perfectly, completely; see FULL (Cf. full) (adj.) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
-fully — ► SUFFIX ▪ forming adverbs corresponding to adjectives ending in ful (such as sorrowfully corresponding to sorrowful) … English terms dictionary