
a) (of an operator ) such that, for any operands ,

Awks associative arrays may be indexed by strings.

b) Addressable by a key more complex than an integer index.

Associative memories were once given considerable attention.

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  • Associative — As*so ci*a*tive, a. Having the quality of associating; tending or leading to association; as, the associative faculty. Hugh Miller. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • associative — index apposite, correlative, pertinent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • associative — (adj.) 1812, from ASSOCIATE (Cf. associate) (v.) + IVE (Cf. ive) …   Etymology dictionary

  • associative — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or involving association. 2) Mathematics unchanged in result by varying the grouping of quantities, as long as their order remains the same, such that for example (a x b) x c = a x (b x c) …   English terms dictionary

  • associative — [ə sō′shē āt΄iv, ə sō′sēāt΄iv; ə sō′shə tiv] adj. [ML associativus] 1. of, characterized by, or causing association, as of ideas 2. Math. of or pertaining to an operation in which the result is the same regardless of the way the elements are… …   English World dictionary

  • Associative — Associativité En mathématiques, une loi de composition interne ou loi interne sur un ensemble S est dite associative si pour tous x, y et z dans S, . Des exemples de lois associatives incluent les lois d addition et de multiplication des nombres… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • associative — ● associatif, associative adjectif Relatif à une association, aux associations régies par la loi de 1901, au mouvement associatif. Informatique Se dit d un procédé de calcul concernant des données identifiées par une partie de leur contenu ou d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • associative — as·so·cia·tive ə sō s(h)ē .āt iv, shət iv adj 1) of or relating to association esp. of ideas or images <an associative symbol> 2 a) dependent on or characterized by association <an associative reaction> b) acquired by a process of… …   Medical dictionary

  • associative — [[t]əso͟ʊʃətɪv, AM ʃieɪtɪv[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Associative thoughts are things that you think of because you see, hear, or think of something that reminds you of those things or which you associate with those things. The associative guilt was… …   English dictionary

  • associative — adjective Date: 1804 1. of or relating to association especially of ideas or images 2. dependent on or acquired by association or learning 3. of, having, or being the property of combining to the same mathematical result regardless of the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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