- trailing truck
On a steam locomotive, a railroad truck to which wheel axles (and, hence, wheels) for one or more coupled pairs of unpowered wheels are attached through bearings, located behind the driving wheels.
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trailing truck — noun : the wheel unit of a locomotive that is located behind the driving wheels and that serves to help support the weight … Useful english dictionary
Trailing wheel — On a steam locomotive, a trailing wheel or trailing axle is an unpowered wheel or axle located behind the driving wheels. The axle of the trailing wheels were usually located on a trailing truck.Trailing wheels were used in some early locomotives … Wikipedia
railroad truck — noun A chassis or framework like structure underneath a train to which wheel axles (and, hence, wheels) are attached through bearings. Syn: bogie, leading truck, trailing truck, wheel truck … Wiktionary
pony truck — noun : a two wheeled swivel truck used under the front end of a locomotive * * * pony truck, a two or four wheeled leading or trailing truck, on some locomotives … Useful english dictionary
Dump truck — For other uses, see Dump truck (disambiguation). A dump truck (or, UK, dumper truck) is a truck used for transporting loose material (such as sand, gravel, or dirt) for construction. A typical dump truck is equipped with a hydraulically operated… … Wikipedia
N441 — The N441 project intends to build a Victorian Railways N class steam locomotive out of the frame of a K class locomotive. The project is being carried out by the Locomotive Restoration Group based out of the Newport railway workshops in Victoria … Wikipedia
N441 - Steam Locomotive Project — The N441 project intends to build a Victorian Railways N class steam locomotive out of the frame of a K class locomotive. The project is being carried out by the Locomotive Restoration Group based out of the Newport railway workshops in Victoria … Wikipedia
Glossary of rail terminology — Rail transport Operations Track Maintenance High speed Gauge Stations … Wikipedia
2-10-4 — Under the Whyte notation for the classification of steam locomotives, a 2 10 4 locomotive has two leading wheels, ten driving wheels (in other words, five driven axles), and four trailing wheels. These were referred to as the Texas type in most… … Wikipedia
4-6-2 — Under the Whyte notation for the classification of steam locomotives, a 4 6 2 locomotive has four leading wheels (generally arranged in a leading truck), six coupled driving wheels and two trailing wheels (often but not always in a trailing… … Wikipedia