- carb
Im cutting down on carbs to try and lose weight.
This is what controls the flow of fuel into the carb.
Wikipedia foundation.
Im cutting down on carbs to try and lose weight.
This is what controls the flow of fuel into the carb.
Wikipedia foundation.
carb — carb·ac·i·dom·e·ter; carb·alk·oxy; carb·alk·ox·yl; carb·am·i·do ; carb·am·i·no; carb·an·i·on; carb·azot·ic; carb·eth·oxy; carb·eth·ox·yl; carb·eth·ox·yl·a·tion; carb·he·mo·glo·bin; al·di·carb; carb; … English syllables
Carb- — vor Konsonanten Carbo [↑ Carbo, ↑ Carboneum] Namensstamm in Namen von anorg. u. org. Kohlenstoffverb. u. in Begriffen, die sich auf Kohle u./od. Kohlenstoff (↑ Carbon) beziehen, z. B. Carbanion, Carben, Carbid, Carbonisieren, Carboxy , Carburier … Universal-Lexikon
carb- — carb(o) élément, du lat. carbo, carbonis, charbon . ⇒CARBO , CARB , CARBI , élément préf. Élément préf. tiré du lat. carbo (charbon) et entrant dans la compos. de termes de chimie : carbasone, subst. fém. « Médicament arsenical se présentant sous … Encyclopédie Universelle
Carb — may refer to:*Carbohydrate, a simple molecule *Carburetor, a device that blends air and fuel for an internal combustion engine *Carb (short for Carburetor), part of a bong or bowl that allows in air to be mixed with the smoke. *CARB, an acronym… … Wikipedia
carb... — carb…, Carb… 〈in Zus.; vor Vokalen〉 = carbo…, Carbo… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Carb... — carb…, Carb… 〈in Zus.; vor Vokalen〉 = carbo…, Carbo… … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
carb... — carb..., Carb... [k...] vgl. ↑karbo..., Karbo … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
carb — (carburetor) (Slang) carburetor, part of an internal combustion engine; carbohydrate or a high carbohydrate food carb (carbohydrate) (Slang) carbohydrate or a high carbohydrate food … English contemporary dictionary
carb — carb‹o›..., Carb‹o›... ↑ karbo..., ↑ Karbo … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
Carb... — carb‹o›..., Carb‹o›... ↑ karbo..., ↑ Karbo … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
carb — [ka:b US ka:rb] n informal 1.) BrE a ↑carburettor 2.) [usually plural] especially AmE a food such as rice, potatoes, or bread that contains ↑carbohydrate ▪ Before a race I eat plenty of carbs … Dictionary of contemporary English