year in, year out

year in, year out
during every year; always

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  • year in, year out — See: DAY IN AND DAY OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • year in, year out — See: DAY IN AND DAY OUT …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • year in, year out — ► if something happens year in, year out, it has been happening for a while and is expected to continue in the same way: »Investors should choose a fund that does consistently well year in, year out. Main Entry: ↑year …   Financial and business terms

  • year in, year out — ► year in, year out continuously or repeatedly over a period of years. Main Entry: ↑year …   English terms dictionary

  • year\ in,\ year\ out — • day in and day out • day in, day out • week in, week out • year in, year out adv. phr. Regularly; consistently; all the time; always. He plays good tennis day in and day out. Also used with several other time words in place of day: week, month …   Словарь американских идиом

  • year in, year out — REPEATEDLY, again and again, time and (time) again, time after time, over and over (again), week in, week out, day in, day out, recurrently, continuously, continually, constantly, habitually, regularly, without a break …   Useful english dictionary

  • year in, year out — we hear the same excuses, year in, year out Syn: repeatedly, again and again, time and (time) again, time after time, over and over (again); ‘week in, week out, ’ ‘day in, day out, ’ inexorably, recurrently; continuously, continually, constantly …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • year in, year out — every year for a long time. Year in, year out, he has been one of the best players in baseball …   New idioms dictionary

  • year in and year out — idi regularly through the years. Also, year in, year out …   From formal English to slang

  • year in and year out — continuously or repeatedly over a period of years they rented the same bungalow year in and year out …   Useful english dictionary

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