- matriclan
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matriclan — [ matriklɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1969; du lat. mater, matris « mère » et clan ♦ Ethnol. Clan dont le recrutement est assuré par la voie matrilinéaire (opposé à patriclan). ● matriclan nom masculin Clan qui intègre ses membres suivant le principe de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
matriclán — ► sustantivo masculino ANTROPOLOGÍA Grupo antropológico formado según el principio de filiación matrilineal. * * * ► masculino ANTROPOLOGÍA Clan fundado en la filiación matrilineal … Enciclopedia Universal
matriclan — matri·clan … English syllables
matriclan — ˈmā.trə, ˈma.+ˌ noun ( s) Etymology: matr + clan : a matrilineal clan contrasted with patriclan … Useful english dictionary
Kwahu — is a region in south central Ghana, on the west shore of Lake Volta. There are two common spellings, Kwawu and Kwahu. The w spelling is the official spelling from the African Studies Centre, University of Ghana, and more resembles the… … Wikipedia
Bilateral descent — For other uses, see Bilateral (disambiguation). The Himba of Namibia live under a tribal structure based on bilateral descent. Bilateral descent is a system of family lineage in which the relatives on the mother s side and father s side are… … Wikipedia
History of Eastern Tamils — of Sri Lanka is informed by local legends, native literature and other colonial documents. [Subramaniam, Folk traditionas and Songs... , p.1 13] Sri Lankan Tamils are subdivided based on their cultural, linguistic and other practices as into… … Wikipedia
Vanniar (Chieftain) — Vanniar or Vannia (Tamil: வன்னியர்) is a title of a feudal chief in medieval Sri Lanka who ruled as a tribute payer to any number of local kingdoms. It was also recorded as that of a name of a caste amongst Sri Lankan Tamils iin the Vanni… … Wikipedia
Vannimai — Vannimais or Vanni chieftaincies were feudal divisions ruled by petty chiefs south of the Jaffna peninsula in the present day Northern, North Central and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. These cheftaincies arose after the 12th century A.D. after… … Wikipedia
clan — clanless, adj. /klan/, n. 1. a group of families or households, as among the Scottish Highlanders, the heads of which claim descent from a common ancestor: the Mackenzie clan. 2. a group of people of common descent; family: Our whole clan got… … Universalium