
1. adjective /ˈsɪɡ.mɔɪd/
a) Curved in two directions, like the letter "S", or the Greek ς (sigma).
b) Semi-circular, like the lunar sigma (similar to English C).
2. noun /ˈsɪɡ.mɔɪd/
A function having a graph whose shape is sigmoid. See , [ Mathworld].

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  • sigmoid — SIGMOÍD, Ă, sigmoizi, de, adj. Care este de forma literei sigma. ♢ Valvulă sigmoidă = fiecare dintre cutele membranoase situate la originea arterei aorte şi a arterei pulmonare. – Din fr. sigmoïde. Trimis de RACAI, 18.04.2008. Sursa: DEX 98 … …   Dicționar Român

  • Sigmoid — Sig moid, Sigmoidal Sig*moid al, a. [Gr. ???; ??? sigma + e i^dos form, likeness: cf. F. sigmo[ i]de.] Curved in two directions, like the letter S, or the Greek [sigmat]. [1913 Webster] {Sigmoid flexure} (Anat.), the last curve of the colon… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sigmoid — means resembling the lower case Greek letter sigma (ς). Specific uses include:* Sigmoid function, a mathematical function * Sigmoid colon, part of the large intestine or colon …   Wikipedia

  • sigmoid — [sig′moid΄] adj. [Gr sigmoeidēs: see SIGMA & OID] 1. a) having a double curve like the letter S b) curved like the letter C (uncial form of sigma) 2. of the sigmoid flexure of the colon: Also sigmoidal sigmoidally …   English World dictionary

  • sigmoid — index circuitous Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • sigmoid — (adj.) shaped like a C (1660s) or shaped like an S (1786), from SIGMA (Cf. sigma) + OID (Cf. oid). Especially of the flexure of the colon (1891) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Sigmoid — In human anatomy, the lower colon (the lower portion of the large bowel). Sigmoid is short for sigmoid colon. The word sigmoid came from the Greek letter sigma which is shaped like a C. It also means curved in two directions like the letter S. A… …   Medical dictionary

  • sigmoid — /ˈsɪgmɔɪd/ (say sigmoyd) adjective 1. curved in one direction like the letter C. 2. curved in two directions like the letter S. 3. relating to the sigmoid flexure: the sigmoid artery (which supplies this flexure). Also, sigmoidal /sɪgˈmɔɪdl/ (say …  

  • sigmoid — also sigmoidal adjective Etymology: Greek sigmoeidēs, from sigma; from a common form of sigma shaped like the Roman letter C Date: 1670 1. a. curved like the letter C b. curved in two directions like the letter S 2. of, relating to, or being the… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Sigmoid — Das Wort Sigmoid bezeichnet in der Mathematik eine Funktion mit S förmigem Verlauf des Graphen, siehe Sigmoidfunktion in der Medizin die Verbindung zwischen menschlichem Dick und Mastdarm, siehe Colon sigmoideum Diese Seite ist eine Begri …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • sigmoid — sigmoidally, adv. /sig moyd/, adj. 1. shaped like the letter C. 2. shaped like the letter S. 3. of, pertaining to, or situated near the sigmoid flexure of the large intestine. Also, sigmoidal. [1660 70; < Gk sigmoeidés shaped like a sigma. See… …   Universalium

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