lick one's chops — {v. phr.}, {informal} To think about something pleasant; enjoy the thought of something. * /John is licking his chops about the steak dinner tonight./ * /Tom is licking his chops about the lifeguard job he will have at the beach next summer./ *… … Dictionary of American idioms
lick one's chops — {v. phr.}, {informal} To think about something pleasant; enjoy the thought of something. * /John is licking his chops about the steak dinner tonight./ * /Tom is licking his chops about the lifeguard job he will have at the beach next summer./ *… … Dictionary of American idioms
lick one's chops — phrasal : to anticipate with relish a banker licks his chops over the increase in the earnings on each dollar George Shea * * * lick one s chops To wait eagerly or greedily • • • Main Entry: ↑chop … Useful english dictionary
lick\ one's\ chops — v. phr. informal To think about something pleasant; enjoy the thought of something. John is licking his chops about the steak dinner tonight. Tom is licking his chops about the lifeguard job he will have at the beach next summer. Our team is… … Словарь американских идиом
lick one's chops — phrasal to feel or show eager anticipation … New Collegiate Dictionary
lick one's lips — To look forward, or (archaic) to recall, with pleasure • • • Main Entry: ↑lick * * * I lick one s lips (or chops) look forward to something with eager anticipation II lick (or smack) one s lips look forward to something with relish; show one s… … Useful english dictionary
lick — [lik] vt. [ME licken < OE liccian, akin to Ger lecken < IE base * leig̑h , to lick > Gr leichein, L ligurrire, to lick, lingere, to lick up] 1. to pass the tongue over [to lick one s lips] 2. to bring into a certain condition by passing… … English World dictionary
lick — /lɪk / (say lik) verb (t) 1. (sometimes followed by off, from, etc.) to pass the tongue over the surface of. 2. to affect by strokes of the tongue: to lick the plate clean. 3. to pass or play lightly over, as flames do. 4. Colloquial to overcome… …
lick — licker, n. /lik/, v.t. 1. to pass the tongue over the surface of, as to moisten, taste, or eat (often fol. by up, off, from, etc.): to lick a postage stamp; to lick an ice cream cone. 2. to make, or cause to become, by stroking with the tongue:… … Universalium
chops — /tʃɒps/ (say chops) Colloquial –plural noun 1. the jaw. 2. Jazz a. → embouchure (def. 3b). b. musical ability and technical prowess. –phrase 3. bust someone s chops, to nag, criticise or reprimand someone. 4. in the chops, in th …