
1. noun
a) State of readiness without being immediately involved.

The troops were on standby in case of an attack.

b) Waiting at the airport in the hope of getting a seat on a flight that is already booked out.

That recipe is an old standby, and she keeps the ingredients around in case of unexpected guests.

2. verb
Wait briefly:

Standby while I check that for you.

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  • Standby — may refer to:*Standby (telecommunications), term in telecommunications *Standby (air travel), a list in which passengers may request to be placed on to request an earlier or more convenient flight. *Standby (theater), an actor or performer who… …   Wikipedia

  • standby — [b] (II)[/b] (izg. stèndbaj) prid. DEFINICIJA 1. koji čeka na slobodno mjesto u avionu [standby putnik] 2. koji se nalazi u rezervi, može se odmah iskoristiti [standby posao] SINTAGMA standby aranžman ekon. odnos u kojem banka kontinuirano prati… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • standby — [stand′bī΄] n. pl. standbys 1. a person or thing that can always be depended on, is always effective, etc. 2. a person or thing ready to serve or be put into service on an emergency basis or as a substitute 3. a person waiting to board an… …   English World dictionary

  • Standby — (engl. „Sich Bereithalten“) steht für: Bereitschaftsbetrieb eines technischen Geräts Standby Modus (PC), auch ACPI S3, Bereitschaftszustand eines Computers Bereitschaftsdienst in der Wirtschaft, insbesondere bei allen öffentlichen Berufen Standby …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • standby — index colleague Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • standby — (n.) 1796, originally nautical, of a vessel kept nearby for emergencies, from STAND (Cf. stand) (v.) + BY (Cf. by). In civil aviation, as an adj. meaning without a booked ticket, from 1961. The verbal phrase stand by await, support is from 13c.… …   Etymology dictionary

  • standby — [b] (I)[/b] (izg. stèndbaj) m DEFINICIJA 1. stanje pripravnosti da se reagira, nešto napravi 2. čekanje da tko odustane od leta kako bi se dobilo mjesto u avionu ETIMOLOGIJA engl …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • standby — [n] substitute assistant, backup, deputy, double, fill in, pinch hitter*, relief, replacement, reserve, stalwart, stand in, sub*, successor, temp*, temporary, understudy; concepts 423,712 …   New thesaurus

  • standby — ► NOUN (pl. standbys) 1) readiness for duty or immediate action. 2) a person or thing ready to be deployed in an emergency. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of tickets for a journey or performance) unreserved and sold only at the last minute if still available …   English terms dictionary

  • standby — ▪ I. standby stand‧by 1 [ˈstændbaɪ] also stand by noun TRAVEL 1. [countable] someone or something that is ready to be used when needed: • The government has asked potential donor countries for 75,000 tonnes of grain as a standby …   Financial and business terms

  • standby — stand|by1 [ stænd,baı ] noun count someone or something that is always available to be used if it is needed in a particular situation: a standby diesel generator We ve kept the old stroller as a standby in case the new one breaks. on standby 1. ) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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