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andrologIcal — an·dro·log·I·cal (an″drə lojґĭ kəl) andrologic … Medical dictionary
Vasectomy — Diagram showing the usual location of a vasectomy. Background Birth control type Sterilization First use 1899 (experiments fro … Wikipedia
Medical fetishism — The attraction to nurses and their uniforms is a common example of a medical fetish. Medical fetishism refers to a collection of sexual fetishes for objects, practices, environments, and situations of a medical or clinical nature. This may… … Wikipedia
List of medical emergencies — The following is a list of symptoms and conditions that signal or constitute a possible medical emergency and may require immediate first aid, emergency room care, surgery, or care by a physician or nurse. Please note that not all medical… … Wikipedia
Sudhakar Krishnamurti — [ Sudhakar Krishnamurti] (born July 22, 1957: Tamil Nadu, South India), is a medical doctor: a clinical andrologist, microsurgeon, and sexual medicine expert. He is presently the director of Andromeda Andrology … Wikipedia
Síndrome de Down — Cariotipo mo … Wikipedia Español
andrology — /ænˈdrɒlədʒi/ (say an droluhjee) noun that branch of medical science which deals with the anatomy, physiology, and diseases of men, especially those affecting the reproductive organs. Compare gynaecology. {Greek combining form andr male + o +… …