- hypotension
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
hypotension — [ ipotɑ̃sjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1895; de hypo et tension ♦ Méd. Tension artérielle inférieure à la normale; diminution de la tension. Souffrir d hypotension. ⊗ CONTR. Hypertension. ● hypotension nom féminin Hypotension artérielle, diminution pathologique… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Hypotension — artérielle L hypotension artérielle correspond à une pression artérielle systolique inférieure à 90 mmHg (le chiffre le plus élevé des deux lorsque l on prend la pression artérielle). Il existe différentes sortes d hypotension: l hypotension … Wikipédia en Français
hypotension — ► NOUN ▪ abnormally low blood pressure. DERIVATIVES hypotensive adjective … English terms dictionary
hypotension — [hī′pō ten΄shən] n. abnormally low blood pressure hypotensive adj … English World dictionary
Hypotension — In physiology and medicine, hypotension refers to an abnormally low blood pressure. This is best understood as a physiologic state, rather than a disease. It is often associated with shock, though not necessarily indicative of it. Hypotension is… … Wikipedia
hypotension — /huy peuh ten sheuhn/, n. Pathol. 1. decreased or lowered blood pressure. 2. a disease or condition characterized by this symptom. Also called low blood pressure. [1890 95; HYPO + TENSION] * * * or low blood pressure Condition in which blood… … Universalium
Hypotension — Als Hypotonie oder auch Hypotension (aus dem Griechischen) wird in der Medizin eine Spannung oder ein Druck unterhalb der Norm bezeichnet. Hypotonie gibt es z. B. des Muskeltonus, der Gehirnflüssigkeit (zerebrale H.), des Augeninnendruckes (H.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hypotension — 1. Subnormal arterial blood pressure. SYN: hypopiesis. 2. Reduced pressure or tension of any kind. [hypo + L. tensio, a stretching] arterial h. h. (1). idiopathic orthostatic … Medical dictionary
Hypotension — Niederdruck; Hypotonie (fachsprachlich); niedriger Blutdruck * * * Hy|po|ten|si|on 〈f. 20; Med.〉 = Hypotonie (2) * * * Hy|po|ten|si|on, die; , en [zu lat. tensio = Spannung] (Med.) … Universal-Lexikon
hypotension — n. a condition in which the arterial blood pressure is abnormally low, which is most commonly experienced when rising from a sitting or lying position (postural or orthostatic hypotension). It occurs after excessive fluid loss (e.g. through… … The new mediacal dictionary