squash ball

squash ball
A small rubber ball used in the game of squash.

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  • squash ball — noun rubber ball used in playing squash • Hypernyms: ↑ball …   Useful english dictionary

  • squash rackets — ➡ squash * * * ▪ 1995       The dominance of Jansher Khan of Pakistan and Michelle Martin of Australia continued throughout 1994. Both retained their British Open titles in April and their world championships later in the year. Khan was… …   Universalium

  • Squash (sport) — For other uses, see Squash. Squash (sport) Characteristics Contact No Team members Single Categorization Racquet sport …   Wikipedia

  • Squash tennis — is an American variant of squash racquets, but played with a ball and racquets that are closer to the equipment used for lawn tennis, and with somewhat different rules. For younger players the game offers the complexity of squash racquets and the …   Wikipedia

  • Squash — 〈[ skwɔ̣ʃ] n.; od. s; unz.; Sp.〉 Rückschlagspiel zwischen zwei Spielern auf einer ,40 x 9,75 m großen, von vier Wänden begrenzten Fläche [engl., „pressen“ <vulgärlat. exquassare; <lat. ex „aus, heraus“ + quassare „schleudern“] * * * Squash… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Squash aux jeux asiatiques de 2006 — Les épreuves de squash aux Jeux asiatiques de 2006 se sont déroulées du 10 au 14 décembre 2006 au Khalifa International Tennis and Squash Complex, à Doha, au Qatar. Deux épreuves de squash figuraient au programme , une masculine et une féminine.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • squash — squash1 [skwôsh, skwäsh] vt. [OFr esquasser < VL * exquassare < L ex , intens. + quassus: see QUASH2] 1. a) to squeeze or crush into a soft or flat mass b) to press or squeeze tightly or too tightly 2. to suppress or bring to an abrupt end; …   English World dictionary

  • Squash — [skvɔʃ] das; <aus gleichbed. engl. squash zu to squash »zusammendrücken, zerquetschen«>: 1. Ballspiel, bei dem ein kleiner Ball mit einer Art Tennisschläger gegen eine Wand geschlagen wird u. der Gegner daraufhin versuchen muss, den Ball… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Squash — Sn (eine Sportart) per. Wortschatz fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. squash, zu ne. squash kräftig schlagen, zerquetschen, auspressen , dieses aus afrz. esquasser, esquacer, aus früh rom. * exquassare, zu l. quassāre heftig erschüttern …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • squash — Ⅰ. squash [1] ► VERB 1) crush or squeeze (something) so that it becomes flat, soft, or out of shape. 2) squeeze or force into a restricted space. 3) suppress, subdue, or reject. ► NOUN 1) a state of being squashed. 2) …   English terms dictionary

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