- Siamese fighting fish
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Wikipedia foundation.
Siamese fighting fish — Selectively bred halfmoon male Naturally occurrin … Wikipedia
Siamese fighting fish — a labyrinth fish, Betta splendens, that has been bred for centuries to develop brilliant coloration, very long fins, and pugnacity. See illus. at fighting fish. [1930 35] * * * Freshwater tropical fish (Betta splendens;family Belontiidae or… … Universalium
Siamese fighting fish — noun (plural Siamese fighting fish or Siamese fighting fishes) a bony fish, Betta splendens, which has become highly coloured as a result of selective breeding, and the males of which are very pugnacious. {originated in Thailand, formerly known… …
Siamese fighting fish — Si′amese fight′ing fish n. ich a freshwater fish, Betta splendens, bred for centuries for brilliant color, very long fins, and pugnacity … From formal English to slang
Siamese fighting fish — noun Date: 1929 a brightly colored betta (Betta splendens) that has highly aggressive males and is a popular aquarium fish … New Collegiate Dictionary
siamese fighting fish — noun Usage: usually capitalized S : betta 2 … Useful english dictionary
Siamese fighting fish — noun see betta … Useful english dictionary
fighting fish — (also Siamese fighting fish) noun a small labyrinth fish native to Thailand, the males of which fight vigorously. [Betta splendens.] … English new terms dictionary
fighting fish — any of several brightly colored labyrinth fishes of the genus Betta, found in Southeast Asia. Also called betta. Cf. Siamese fighting fish. * * * … Universalium
Fighting fish — Fighting Fight ing, a. 1. Qualified for war; fit for battle. [1913 Webster] An host of fighting men. 2 Chron. xxvi. 11. [1913 Webster] 2. Occupied in war; being the scene of a battle; as, a fighting field. Pope. [1913 Webster] {A fighting chance} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English