- thermotaxis
Movement in response to temperature
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Thermotaxis — is the phenomenon in which a cell directs its movement according to temperature.Thermotaxis can also refer to thermoregulation … Wikipedia
Thermotaxis — Ther mo*tax is, n. [NL.; thermo + Gr. ? an arranging.] (Physiol.) (a) The property possessed by protoplasm of moving under the influence of heat. (b) Determination of the direction of locomotion by heat. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thermotaxis — [thʉr΄mətak′sis] n. [ModL: see THERMO & TAXIS] 1. Biol. the positive, or negative, response of a freely moving organism toward, or away from, a source of heat 2. Physiol. the normal regulation of body temperature thermotaxic adj. thermotactic… … English World dictionary
thermotaxis — A directed motile response to temperature. The grex of Dictyostelium discoideum shows a positive thermotaxis … Dictionary of molecular biology
thermotaxis — noun Etymology: New Latin Date: circa 1891 1. the regulation of body temperature 2. a taxis in which temperature is the directive factor … New Collegiate Dictionary
thermotaxis — n. [Gr. therme, heat; taxis, arrangement] A taxis in which heat is the response initiating stimulus; regulation of body temperature. thesocytes n. pl. [Gr. thesis, deposit; kytos container] (PORIFERA) In hibernating fresh water sponge gemmules,… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
thermotaxis — thermotactic /therr meuh tak tik/, thermotaxic, adj. /therr meuh tak sis/, n. 1. Biol. movement of an organism toward or away from a source of heat. 2. Physiol. the regulation of the bodily temperature. [1890 95; THERMO + TAXIS] * * * … Universalium
thermotaxis — 1. Reaction of living protoplasm to the stimulus of heat. Cf.:thermotropism. 2. Regulation of the temperature of the body. [thermo + G. taxis, orderly arrangement] negative t. repulsion of a plant or … Medical dictionary
Thermotaxis — Thẹr|mo|ta|xis ↑ Taxie. * * * Thermotạxis, durch Temperaturreize ausgelöste gerichtete, aktive Ortsveränderung frei beweglicher Lebewesen (Taxien). * * * Ther|mo|tạ|xis, die; , ...xen [2↑Taxis] (Biol.): durch Temperaturunterschiede… … Universal-Lexikon
Thermotaxis — Ther|mo|ta|xis die; , ...t’axen <zu gr. táxis (vgl. 2↑Taxis)> u. Thermotaxie die; , ...ien: durch Temperaturunterschied ausgelöste 2↑Taxis (Biol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch