- lubricity
- noun /luːˈbɹɪsɪti/
Though her lubricity made it redundant, Anthea passed him the oil to caress her thighs.
Wikipedia foundation.
Though her lubricity made it redundant, Anthea passed him the oil to caress her thighs.
Wikipedia foundation.
Lubricity — is the measure of the reduction in friction of a lubricant. The study of lubrication and mechanism wear is called tribology.Measurement of lubricityLubricity of a material cannot be directly measured, so tests are performed to quantify a… … Wikipedia
Lubricity — Lu*bric i*ty, n. [L. lubricitas: cf. F. lubricit[ e].] [1913 Webster] 1. Smoothness; freedom from friction; also, property which diminishes friction; as, the lubricity of oil. Ray. [1913 Webster] 2. Slipperiness; instability; as, the lubricity of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lubricity — index obscenity, pornography Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
lubricity — late 15c., lasciviousness, from M.Fr. lubricité or directly from L. lubricitatem (nom. lubricitas), from lubricus slippery (see LUBRICANT (Cf. lubricant) (adj.)). Sense of oiliness, smoothness is from 1540s; figurative sense of shiftiness is from … Etymology dictionary
lubricity — [lo͞o bris′i tē] n. pl. lubricities [Fr lubricité < LL lubricitas] 1. slipperiness; smoothness; esp., effectiveness as a lubricant as indicated by this quality 2. trickiness; shiftiness 3. lewdness lubricious [lo͞obrish′əs] adj. lubricous… … English World dictionary
lubricity — /looh bris i tee/, n., pl. lubricities. 1. oily smoothness, as of a surface; slipperiness. 2. ability to lubricate; capacity for lubrication: the wonderful lubricity of this new oil. 3. instability; shiftiness; fleeting nature: the lubricity of… … Universalium
lubricity — tepumas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Produkto gebėjimas sumažinti dilimą ir trintį kitaip, ne vien dėl savo klampos. atitikmenys: angl. lubricity vok. Schmierfähigkeit, f; Schmiergüte, f; Schmierwert, m rus.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
lubricity — tepumas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Medžiagos geba sumažinti besitrinančių paviršių trintį ir dilimą. atitikmenys: angl. lubricity rus. смазывающая способность … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
lubricity — lubricious (also lubricous) ► ADJECTIVE 1) lewd. 2) smooth and slippery with oil or grease. DERIVATIVES lubriciously adverb lubricity noun … English terms dictionary
lubricity — noun (plural ties) Date: 15th century the property or state of being lubricious; also the capacity for reducing friction … New Collegiate Dictionary