- Chinook Jargon
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Chinook Jargon — chinuk wawa, wawa, chinook lelang, lelang Spoken in Canada, United States Region Pacific Northwest (Interior and Coast) Native speakers – Language fami … Wikipedia
Chinook Jargon — Chinook Wawa Gesprochen in USA, Kanada Sprecher < 100 Linguistische Klassifikation Pidginsprache Amerindisch Chinook Wawa Offizieller Status … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chinook jargon — ☆ Chinook jargon n. a pidgin consisting of extremely simplified Chinook intermixed with words from English, French, and neighboring American Indian languages: formerly used among traders and Indians in the coastal areas of NW North America … English World dictionary
Chinook Jargon — a pidgin based largely on Nootka, Lower Chinook, French, and English, once widely used as a lingua franca from Alaska to Oregon. [1830 40] * * * ▪ language also called Tsinuk Wawa pidgin, presently extinct, formerly used as a trade… … Universalium
Chinook Jargon — Chinook′ Jar′gon n. peo a pidgin based largely on Nootka, Lower Chinook, French, and English, once widely used as a lingua franca from Alaska to Oregon • Etymology: 1830–40 … From formal English to slang
Chinook Jargon use by English-language speakers — British Columbian English and Pacific Northwest English have several words still in current use which are loanwords from the Chinook Jargon, which was widely spoken throughout the Pacific Northwest by all ethnicities well into the middle of the… … Wikipedia
Chinook Jargon language — #REDIRECT Chinook Jargon … Wikipedia
Chinook Jargon — noun a pidgin incorporating Chinook and French and English words; formerly used as a lingua franca in northwestern North America • Syn: ↑Oregon Jargon • Hypernyms: ↑pidgin … Useful english dictionary
Chinook jargon — noun Usage: often capitalized J Date: 1840 a pidgin language based on Chinook and other Indian languages, French, and English and formerly used as a lingua franca in the northwestern United States and on the Pacific coast of Canada and Alaska … New Collegiate Dictionary
Chinook Jargon — noun an extinct pidgin composed of elements from Chinook, Nootka, English, French, and other languages, formerly used in the Pacific North West of North America … English new terms dictionary