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Ropy — Rop y, a. capable of being drawn into a thread, as a glutinous substance; stringy; viscous; tenacious; glutinous; as ropy sirup; ropy lees. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ropy — also rop·ey rō pē adj, rop·i·er; est 1) capable of being drawn into a thread: VISCOUS also tending to adhere in stringy masses 2) having a gelatinous or slimy quality from bacterial or fungal contamination <ropy milk> rop·i·ness n … Medical dictionary
ropy — (also ropey) ► ADJECTIVE (ropier, ropiest) 1) resembling a rope. 2) Brit. informal poor in quality or health. DERIVATIVES ropily adverb ropiness noun … English terms dictionary
ropy — [rō′pē] adj. ropier, ropiest 1. forming sticky, stringy threads, as some liquids do; glutinous 2. like a rope or ropes 3. [Brit. Informal] a) bad, poor, inferior, etc. b) somewhat unwell: also ropey ropiness … English World dictionary
ropy — also ropey adjective (ropier; est) Date: 15th century 1. a. capable of being drawn into a thread ; viscous; also tending to adhere in stringy masses b. having a gelatinous or slimy quality from bacterial or fungal contamination < ropy milk > … New Collegiate Dictionary
ropy — ropily, adv. ropiness, n. /roh pee/, adj., ropier, ropiest. 1. resembling a rope or ropes: ropy muscles. 2. forming viscid or glutinous threads, as a liquid. [1470 80; ROPE + Y1] * * * … Universalium
ropy — ropey UK / US or ropy UK [ˈrəʊpɪ] / US [ˈroʊpɪ] adjective informal 1) not very good The graphics are slightly ropey. 2) not feeling well … English dictionary
ropy — rop•y [[t]ˈroʊ pi[/t]] adj. rop•i•er, rop•i•est 1) resembling rope: ropy muscles[/ex] 2) forming viscid or glutinous threads, as a liquid • Etymology: 1470–80 rop′i•ness, n … From formal English to slang
ropy pahoehoe — USGS PHOTO GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS Ropy pahoehoe is the most common surface texture of pahoehoe flows. The numerous folds and wrinkles ( ropes ) that are characteristic of ropy pahoehoe form when the thin, partially solidified crust of a flow… … Glossary of volcanic terms
ropy — Synonyms and related words: adhesive, amylaceous, below par, capillary, cartilaginous, chewy, cirrose, cirrous, clabbered, clammy, clotted, coagulated, cohesive, coriaceous, curdled, deficient, doughy, durable, fibered, fibroid, fibrous,… … Moby Thesaurus