- paternity leave
My husband is on a 3-month paternity leave while he looks after our newborn baby and Im working abroad.
Wikipedia foundation.
My husband is on a 3-month paternity leave while he looks after our newborn baby and Im working abroad.
Wikipedia foundation.
paternity leave — ➔ leave * * * paternity leave UK US noun [U] HR ► a period of time that a father is legally allowed to be away from his job so that he can spend time with his new baby: on paternity leave »He was on paternity leave after the birth of his son.… … Financial and business terms
paternity leave — Period of absence from work on the birth or adoption of a child, taken by the child s father, the mother s partner, or other adoptive parent. This may be statutory paternity leave and/or other leave granted by the employer, either contractually… … Law dictionary
paternity leave — n. temporary leave from work granted to the father of a newborn … English World dictionary
paternity leave — a leave of absence from a job for a father to care for a new baby. [1970 75] * * * paˈternity leave [paternity leave] noun uncountable time that the father of a new baby is allowed to have away from work see also ↑maternity leave … Useful english dictionary
paternity leave — N UNCOUNT If a man has paternity leave, his employer allows him some time off work because his child has just been born. Paternity leave is rare and, where it does exist, it s unlikely to be for any longer than two weeks … English dictionary
paternity leave — pa ternity .leave n [U] a period of time that the father of a new baby is allowed away from work →↑maternity leave, parental leave ↑parental leave … Dictionary of contemporary English
paternity leave — pa ternity ,leave noun uncount a period of time when a father is allowed to be away from work after the birth of his child ─ compare MATERNITY LEAVE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
paternity leave — pater′nity leave n. a leave of absence for a father to care for a new baby • Etymology: 1970–75 … From formal English to slang
paternity leave — a leave of absence from a job for a father to care for a new baby. [1970 75] * * * … Universalium
paternity leave — UK / US noun [uncountable] a period of time when a father is allowed to be away from work after the birth of his child See: maternity leave … English dictionary