intelligent design

intelligent design
A conjecture claiming that biological life on Earth, or more broadly, the universe as a whole, was created by a (specified or unspecified) intelligent agent rather than being the result of undirected natural processes.

Intelligent design means that the various forms of life began abruptly through the agency of an intelligent creator with their distinctive features already intactfish with fins and scales, birds with feathers, beaks, and wings, etc.

Syn: creationism, IDism, intelligent design creationism, intelligent design evolutionism, intelligent designism

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  • Intelligent Design — (engl. „intelligenter Entwurf“, „intelligente Gestaltung“; abgekürzt ID) ist die Auffassung, dass sich bestimmte Eigenschaften des Universums und des Lebens auf der Erde am besten durch einen intelligenten Urheber erklären lassen und nicht durch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • intelligent design — noun The creation of the universe by a rational agent, rather than by random processes • • • Main Entry: ↑intelligent * * * inˌtelligent deˈsign 8 [intelligent design] noun uncountab …   Useful english dictionary

  • intelligent design — is a disarmingly reassuring term for the belief that life should be explained as the creation of an intelligent agent (i.e. God) rather than as the result of a process of natural selection. Dating from the mid 19c in America, it intentionally… …   Modern English usage

  • Intelligent design — This article is about intelligent design as promulgated by the Discovery Institute. For other uses, see Intelligent design (disambiguation). For the philosophical argument from design , see Teleological argument …   Wikipedia

  • Intelligent Design — Dessein intelligent Le dessein intelligent (Intelligent Design en anglais[1]) est la croyance selon laquelle « certaines observations de l univers et du monde du vivant sont mieux expliquées par une cause intelligente que par des processus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Intelligent design — Dessein intelligent Le dessein intelligent (Intelligent Design en anglais[1]) est la croyance selon laquelle « certaines observations de l univers et du monde du vivant sont mieux expliquées par une cause intelligente que par des processus… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • intelligent design —       argument intended to demonstrate that living organisms were created in more or less their present forms by an “intelligent designer.”       Intelligent design was formulated in the 1990s, primarily in the United States, as an explicit… …   Universalium

  • Intelligent design (disambiguation) — Intelligent design is the claim that certain features of the universe and of living things are best explained by an intelligent cause, not an undirected process such as natural selection. Intelligent design may also refer to: * Intelligent Design …   Wikipedia

  • Intelligent design movement — Part of a series of articles on Intelligent design …   Wikipedia

  • Intelligent design in politics — The intelligent design movement has conducted a far reaching organized campaign largely in the United States that promotes a Neo Creationist religious agenda calling for broad social, academic and political changes centering around intelligent… …   Wikipedia

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