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Superfluid — Superfluidity is a phase of matter or description of heat capacity in which unusual effects are observed when liquids, typically of helium 4 or helium 3, overcome friction by surface interaction when at a stage, known as the lambda point for… … Wikipedia
superfluid — noun Date: 1938 an unusual state of matter noted only in liquid helium cooled to near absolute zero and characterized by apparently frictionless flow (as through fine holes) • superfluid adjective • superfluidity noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
Superfluid — Helium II kriecht an der Wand des inneren Gefäßes hoch nach einer gewissen Zeit würden sich die Flüssigkeitsstände in den Behältern angleichen. Der Rollin Film bedeckt auch die Wand des großen Behälters, wäre er nicht geschlossen, so würde der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
superfluid — superfluidity, n. /sooh peuhr flooh id/, Physics. n. 1. a fluid that exhibits frictionless flow, very high heat conductivity, and other unusual physical properties, helium below 2.186 K being the only known example. adj. 2. of or pertaining to a… … Universalium
superfluid — /ˈsupəfluəd/ (say soohpuhfloohuhd) noun 1. liquid helium at temperatures below about 2K with special reference to its negligible internal friction and very high thermal conductivity. –adjective 2. of or relating to a superfluid. –superfluidity… …
superfluid — supertakusis skystis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superfluid vok. Supraflüssigkeit, f rus. сверхтекучая жидкость, f pranc. superfluide, m; suprafluide, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Superfluid film — Superfluidity and superconductivity are of inherent interest because they are macroscopic manifestations of quantum mechanics. There is a considerable amount of interest, both theoretical and practical, in these quantum phase transitions. There… … Wikipedia
superfluid helium — supertakusis helis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superfluid helium vok. superflüssiges Helium, n rus. сверхтекучий гелий, m pranc. hélium superfluide, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
superfluid nuclear model — supertakusis branduolio modelis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superfluid nuclear model vok. supraflüssiges Kernmodell, n rus. сверхтекучая модель ядра, f pranc. modèle supraconducteur, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
superfluid phase — supertakioji fazė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. superfluid phase vok. superfließbare Phase, f rus. сверхтекучая фаза, f pranc. phase superfluide, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas