- avunculocal
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avunculocal — ● avunculocal, avunculocale, avunculocaux adjectif Se dit du mode de résidence imposé à un couple de jeunes mariés, dans lequel ceux ci doivent aller habiter dans la maison du frère de la mère de l épouse, ou dans le village de celui ci.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Avunculocal residence — An avunculocal society is one in which a married couple traditionally lives with the man s mother s eldest brother, which most often occurs in matrilineal societies. The anthropological term avunculocal residence refers to this convention, which… … Wikipedia
avunculocal — avun·cu·lo·cal … English syllables
avunculocal — ə|vəŋkyə|lōkəl adjective Etymology: Latin avunculus + English local 1. : located at or centered around the residence of the husband s maternal uncle 2. : belonging to a maternal uncle compare matrilocal, patrilocal, neolocal … Useful english dictionary
avunculocale — ● avunculocal, avunculocale, avunculocaux adjectif Se dit du mode de résidence imposé à un couple de jeunes mariés, dans lequel ceux ci doivent aller habiter dans la maison du frère de la mère de l épouse, ou dans le village de celui ci … Encyclopédie Universelle
avunculocaux — ● avunculocal, avunculocale, avunculocaux adjectif Se dit du mode de résidence imposé à un couple de jeunes mariés, dans lequel ceux ci doivent aller habiter dans la maison du frère de la mère de l épouse, ou dans le village de celui ci … Encyclopédie Universelle
residence — /rez i deuhns/, n. 1. the place, esp. the house, in which a person lives or resides; dwelling place; home: Their residence is in New York City. 2. a structure serving as a dwelling or home, esp. one of large proportion and superior quality: They… … Universalium
Patrón de residencia posnupcial — En la antropología, el patrón de residencia posnupcial llamado también patrón de asentamiento es una categoría analítica que permite describir la norma fijada por una sociedad dada para la ubicación espacial de una nueva unidad familiar producida … Wikipedia Español
avunculate — /euh vung kyeuh lit, layt /, n. Anthropol. a close social relationship between a maternal uncle and his nephew. [1915 20; < L avuncul(us) uncle (see AVUNCULAR) + ATE3] * * * ▪ anthropology relationship between a man and his sister s… … Universalium
Marriage — For other uses, see Marriage (disambiguation). Married and Matrimony redirect here. For other uses, see Married (disambiguation) and Matrimony (disambiguation) … Wikipedia