- bloatware
Software that is overpacked with features (a result of feature creep) and therefore slow or unwieldy; software that occupies an excessive amount of memory or has a very large file size.
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
bloatware — bloat‧ware [ˈbləʊtweə ǁ ˈbloʊtwer] noun [uncountable] informal COMPUTING 1. computer software with many features that are not really needed 2. software which uses a large amount of computer memory and which is therefore not effective or useful: • … Financial and business terms
Bloatware — Als Bloatware (engl. to bloat „aufblähen“), seltener als Blähware, bezeichnet man Software, welche mit Funktionen überladen ist bzw. Anwendungen sehr unterschiedlicher Arbeitsfelder ohne gemeinsamen Nutzen bündelt (siehe: eierlegende… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bloatware — Les termes boufficiel, inflagiciel et obésiciel tentent de traduire le terme anglais bloatware désignant tantôt un logiciel utilisant une quantité excessive de ressources système, tantôt un logiciel accumulant une quantité importante de… … Wikipédia en Français
bloatware — {{#}}{{LM B45380}}{{〓}} {{[}}bloatware{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Programa informático que ocupa mucho espacio en el ordenador en relación con el rendimiento que ofrece. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [blótgüer].… … Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos
Bloatware — … Википедия
bloatware — ● ►en n. m. ►WARE usine à gaz rendu lourde à un point tel que l ajout des nouvelles fonctions a complètement anéanti leur intérêt. Exemples: les programmes de Microsoft, OS/2, X … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
bloatware — n. software containing features that require a large amount of disk space and RAM (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
bloatware — noun Computing, informal software whose usefulness is reduced because of the excessive memory it requires … English new terms dictionary
bloatware — /ˈbloʊtwɛə/ (say blohtwair) noun Computers software that takes up a large amount of memory but has, in proportion to the space it takes up, minimal functionality …
bloatware — bloatˈware noun (comput sl) Software with more facilities than most users need, making correspondingly large demands on system resources • • • Main Entry: ↑bloat … Useful english dictionary