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endopod — ( ) [Holthuis, 1993]. Schematic drawing of a thoracic leg. [Holthuis, 1993] Inner branch of biramous appendage, especially one arising from protopodite of pleopod [Butler, T.H.]. Inner of two branches of biramous limb, comprising ischium through… … Crustacea glossary
endopod — en·do·pod … English syllables
endopod — ˈendəˌpäd noun ( s) Etymology: end + pod : endopodite … Useful english dictionary
endopod(ite) — n. [Gr. endon, within; pous, foot] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) The inner ramus of a biramous appendage; the main shaft of that appendage; see exopodite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
endognath — Endopod (inner and principal branch) of maxilliped [Moore and McCormick, 1969]. Endopod of maxilliped [McLaughlin, 1980]. Inner or principal branch of a maxilliped [Williams, 1984]. (Order Decapoda): Inner or principal branch (endopod) of… … Crustacea glossary
protopod — Peduncle of an appendage; in unmodified form, consisting of one coxal and one basal article. (Syn. protopodite) [Williams, 1984]. Proximal portion of limb, consisting of precoxa, coxa, and basis, fused together in some forms; its distal edge… … Crustacea glossary
palp — A lateral appendage of the mandible or the maxilliped [Wilson, 1989]. Reduced distal portion of limb, usually only one of its rami, but may compromise both rami plus basis; usually consists of distal 2 or 3 segments following merus [Moore and… … Crustacea glossary
ramus — A branch of an appendage, e.g. the exopod or endopod. (Pl. rami) [Perez Farfante and Kensley, 1997]. A branch of an appendage. (Pl. rami) [Wilson, 1989]. Branch of appendage or other structure (e.g., flagellum) [McLaughlin, 1980]. Branch of limb… … Crustacea glossary
thoracopod — (Syn. thoracopodite) [Martin, 2005]. An appendage of the thorax [Brusca and Brusca, 2002]. Appendage of any thoracic somite; see thoracic appendage, phyllopod, maxilliped, pereopod. (Syn. cormopod) [McLaughlin, 1980]. Limb attached to any… … Crustacea glossary
uropod — A paired biramous appendage attached to the sixth abdominal somite in all but the true crabs and usually combining with the telson to form a tail fan [Chace and Hobbs, 1969]. An appendage of the last (6th) abdominal segment [Warner, 1977].… … Crustacea glossary