concrete noun
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concrete noun — concrete ,noun noun count LINGUISTICS a noun that refers to an object that you can see or touch rather than to an idea or feeling … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
concrete noun — Gram. a noun denoting something material and nonabstract, as chair, house, or automobile. Cf. abstract noun. * * * concrete noun UK US noun [countable] [singular concrete noun plural concrete nouns] … Useful english dictionary
concrete noun — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms concrete noun : singular concrete noun plural concrete nouns linguistics a noun that refers to an object that you can see or touch, not to an idea or feeling … English dictionary
concrete noun — noun a noun applied to an actual substance or thing, as dog, star, land. Compare abstract noun …
ˌconcrete ˈnoun — noun [C] linguistics a noun that refers to an object that you can see or touch rather than to an idea or feeling … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
concrete noun — noun which denotes a material object (Grammar) … English contemporary dictionary
concrete noun — con′crete noun′ n. gram. a noun denoting something material and nonabstract, as chair, house, or automobile Compare abstract noun … From formal English to slang
concrete noun — Gram. a noun denoting something material and nonabstract, as chair, house, or automobile. Cf. abstract noun. * * * … Universalium
noun — ADJECTIVE ▪ plural, singular ▪ ‘Sheep’ is both a singular and a plural noun. ▪ countable ▪ mass, uncountable ▪ … Collocations dictionary
concrete — [kän′krēt΄; ] also, and for vt.1 & vi.usually [, kän krēt′] adj. [ME concret < L concretus, pp. of concrescere: see CONCRESCENCE] 1. formed into a solid mass; coalesced 2. having a material, perceptible existence; of, belonging to, or… … English World dictionary