- celerity
a) Speed.
"disposing of the parsnip wine with a celerity which might have been due to eagerness but, to Harriett, rather suggested a reluctance to let the draught linger on the palate." —
b) The speed of
individual waves (as opposed to the speed of groups of waves).
"The phantoms, for so they then seemed, were flitting on the other side of the deck, and, with a noiseless celerity, were casting loose the tackles and bands of the boat which swung there." — , chapter 48
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celerity — celerity, alacrity, legerity are comparable when they are used in reference to human beings and denote quickness in movement or action. Celerity stresses speed in moving or especially in accomplishing work {she could, when she chose, work with… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Celerity — can refer to: *Speed, quickness. *Celerity BBS, a computer Bulletin Board System popular in the 1990 s *Celerity, a power of supernatural quickness possessed by vampires in the roleplaying games and Vampire: The Masquerade *The speed of… … Wikipedia
Celerity — Ce*ler i*ty, n. [L. celeritas, from celer swiftm speedy: sf. F. c[ e]l[ e]rit[ e].] Rapidity of motion; quickness; swiftness. [1913 Webster] Time, with all its celerity, moves slowly to him whose whole employment is to watch its flight. Johnson.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
celerity — index dispatch (promptness), haste Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
celerity — late 15c., from M.Fr. célérité (14c.), from L. celeritatem (nom. celeritas) swiftness, from celer swift, from possible PIE root *kel to drive, set in swift motion (Cf. Skt. carati goes, Gk. keles fast horse or ship, keleuthos journey, road, Lith … Etymology dictionary
celerity — [n] swiftness alacrity, briskness, dispatch, expedition, expeditiousness, fleetness, gait, haste, hurry, hustle, legerity, promptness, quickness, rapidity, speed, speediness, swiftness, velocity, vivacity; concept 755 Ant. slowness, sluggishness … New thesaurus
celerity — ► NOUN archaic or literary ▪ swiftness of movement. ORIGIN Latin celeritas, from celer swift … English terms dictionary
celerity — [sə ler′i tē] n. [Fr célérité < L celeritas < celer, swift: see HOLD1] swiftness in acting or moving; speed … English World dictionary
Celerity Computing — Inc. американская компания, производитель суперминикомпьютеров под управлением Unix из Сан Диего (Калифорния). Celerity Computing была основана в мае 1983 года Стивом Воллендером, Ником Энешенсли и Эндрю Маккроклином. Свой первый компьютер … Википедия
Celerity BBS — was a descendant of the freely distributed source of TCS BBS 1.43, and ultimately nearly completely rewritten. OriginIt originally began as a project of Brendon Woirhaye (The Byter) and David Hicks (Moebius) in 1990 to quickly modify an existing… … Wikipedia