premenstrual syndrome

premenstrual syndrome
The physical and psychological malaise experienced by many women between ovulation and the onset of menstruation; premenstrual tension.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) takes a lot of bashing in the media. It is true that many women become more aggressive during this period, though they are rarely out of control...Therefore, any PMS symptoms that are perceived as unstable are due to the fact that women act more like men during this phase than at any other time in their cycles.

Syn: PMS, premenstrual stress, PMT, premenstrual tension syndrome, premenstrual tension
See Also: premenstrual dysphoric disorder, PMDD

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  • premenstrual syndrome — ► NOUN ▪ a complex of symptoms (including emotional tension and fluid retention) experienced by some women prior to menstruation …   English terms dictionary

  • premenstrual syndrome — n. a group of physical and emotional symptoms that may precede a menstrual period, as fluid retention, fatigue, depression, irritability, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Premenstrual syndrome — PMS redirects here. For other uses, see PMS (disambiguation). Premenstrual syndrome Classification and external resources ICD 10 N94.3 ICD 9 …   Wikipedia

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  • premenstrual syndrome — N UNCOUNT Premenstrual syndrome is used to refer to the problems, including strain and tiredness, that many women experience before menstruation. About 70% of women suffer from premenstrual syndrome. Syn: premenstrual tension, PMT …   English dictionary

  • Premenstrual syndrome — A combination of physical and mood disturbances that occur after ovulation and normally end with the onset of the menstrual flow. Premenstrual syndrome is believed to be a disorder of the neurotransmitters and other hormones. In its most severe… …   Medical dictionary

  • premenstrual syndrome — noun a syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation • Syn: ↑PMS • Hypernyms: ↑syndrome * * * noun [noncount] : a condition experienced by some women before menstruation that may include tiredness,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • premenstrual syndrome — pre.menstrual syndrome n [U] PMS the tiredness, headache, bad temper etc experienced by some women in the days before their ↑period British Equivalent: premenstrual tension …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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