- gafiate
to drop out of community activities, with the implication to get a life.See Also: get away from it all, GAFIA
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Science fiction fandom — or SF fandom is a community of people actively interested in science fiction and fantasy literature, and in contact with one another based upon that interest. SF fandom has a life of its own, but not much in the way of formal organization… … Wikipedia
Media fandom — refers to the collective fandoms focused on contemporary television shows and movies. Media fandom has a focus on relationships and is distinct from science fiction fandom, anime fandom, book fandom, music fandom, soap opera fandom, sports fandom … Wikipedia
Fanspeak — is the slang or jargon current in science fiction and fantasy fandom, especially those terms in use among readers and writers of science fiction fanzines.Fanspeak is made up of acronyms, blended words, obscure in jokes, puns, coinages from… … Wikipedia
GAFIA — (along with derived form such as gafiate and gafiation) is a term used in science fiction fandom. It began as an acronym for Getting Away From It All , and initially referred to escaping from the mundane world via fanac. [… … Wikipedia