- feck
- 1. nouneffect, value, vigor2. verb3. interjectionEquivalent to blast, etc.
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Feck — (or, in some senses, fek ) is a monosyllable with several vernacular meanings and variations in Irish English, Scots and Middle English.Modern Irish English*Slang expletive employed as an attenuated alternative (minced oath) to fuck or express… … Wikipedia
feck — feck; feck·et; feck·ful; feck·less; feck·ly; feck·ful·ly; feck·less·ly; feck·less·ness; … English syllables
Feck — Feck, n. [Abbrev. fr. effect.] 1. Effect. [Obs.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 2. Efficacy; force; value. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] [Webster 1913 Suppl.] 3. Amount; quantity. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.] He had a feck o books wi him. R. L. Stevenson. {The most feck} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Feck — Porté en Lorraine et en Allemagne, c est un hypocoristique du prénom Frédéric. Variantes : Fecke, Fecque. Diminutif : Fecki … Noms de famille
feck|ly — «FEHK lee», adverb. Scottish. for the most part; mostly; almost … Useful english dictionary
feck — ˈfek noun Etymology: Middle English (Scots) fek, by shortening & alteration from Middle English effect (I) 1. Scotland a. : the greater share … Useful english dictionary
feck´less|ness — feck|less «FEHK lihs», adjective. 1. futile; ineffective; »Rip Van Winkle was an idle, feckless character. 2. Scottish. spiritless; worthless. ╂[< feck + less] –feck´less|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
feck´less|ly — feck|less «FEHK lihs», adjective. 1. futile; ineffective; »Rip Van Winkle was an idle, feckless character. 2. Scottish. spiritless; worthless. ╂[< feck + less] –feck´less|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
feck|less — «FEHK lihs», adjective. 1. futile; ineffective; »Rip Van Winkle was an idle, feckless character. 2. Scottish. spiritless; worthless. ╂[< feck + less] –feck´less|ly, adverb … Useful english dictionary
Feck — durch Zusammenziehung aus Feddeke, einer friesischen Koseform von Fredderke (Friedrich), entstandene Familiennamen … Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen