miss out

miss out
To miss an experience or lose an opportunity, etc. that should not be missed.

Anybody who does not try the homemade ice cream is really missing out.

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  • miss out on — miss out (on (something)) to fail to use or enjoy an opportunity. Other people my age are married and have families, and I am beginning to feel I am missing out. We missed out on a chance to get a cheaper mortgage …   New idioms dictionary

  • miss out — (on (something)) to fail to use or enjoy an opportunity. Other people my age are married and have families, and I am beginning to feel I am missing out. We missed out on a chance to get a cheaper mortgage …   New idioms dictionary

  • miss out — phrasal verb Word forms miss out : present tense I/you/we/they miss out he/she/it misses out present participle missing out past tense missed out past participle missed out 1) [intransitive] to lose an opportunity to do or have something We will… …   English dictionary

  • miss out — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you miss out on something that would be enjoyable or useful to you, you are not involved in it or do not take part in it. [V P on n] We re missing out on a tremendous opportunity... [V P] Well, I m glad you could make it. I… …   English dictionary

  • miss out — v. (D; intr.) to miss out on (to miss out on a profitable deal) * * * [ mɪs aʊt] (D; intr.) to miss out on (to miss out on a profitable deal) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • ˌmiss ˈout — phrasal verb to lose an opportunity to do or have something We will be repeating the questions later, so you won t miss out.[/ex] Come with us or you ll miss out on all the fun.[/ex] …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • miss out on — not be there, be unable to attend    If I have a job, I ll miss out on the soccer games after school …   English idioms

  • miss out (on something) — ˌmiss ˈout (on sth) derived to fail to benefit from sth useful or enjoyable by not taking part in it • Of course I m coming I don t want to miss out on all the fun! Main entry: ↑missderived …   Useful english dictionary

  • miss out on something — miss out (on (something)) to fail to use or enjoy an opportunity. Other people my age are married and have families, and I am beginning to feel I am missing out. We missed out on a chance to get a cheaper mortgage …   New idioms dictionary

  • miss out on —  Miss …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • miss out — {v.}, {informal} To fail; lose or not take a good chance; miss something good. * /Jim s mother told him he missed out on a chance to go fishing with his father because he came home late./ * /You missed out by not coming with us; we had a great… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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