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ideaphoria — idea·pho·ria … English syllables
ideaphoria — (ˌ)īˌdēəˈfōrēə, ˌī deə noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin idea + New Latin phoria : capacity for creative thought or imagination … Useful english dictionary
Johnson O'Connor — (January 22, 1891 ndash; July 1, 1973) was an American psychometrician, researcher, and educator. He is most remembered as a pioneer in the study of aptitude testing and as an advocate for the importance of vocabulary. Early Life and Education… … Wikipedia
-phoria — ˈfōrēə, ˈfȯr noun combining form ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, act of carrying, from phoros phorous + ia y : bearing : state … Useful english dictionary