bristlecone pine

bristlecone pine
Any of a small number of different small, slow-growing pine trees found in the western United States, some of which are over 4,000 years old.

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  • bristlecone pine — [bris′əl kōn΄] n. either of two high altitude pine tree (Pinus aristata and P. longaeva) of the W U.S., having needles in clusters of five and cones with bristles: they are known for their often twisted, gnarled appearance and extremely long life …   English World dictionary

  • Bristlecone pine — Taxobox name = Bristlecone pines image width = 240px image caption = A Great Basin Bristlecone Pine forest regnum = Plantae divisio = Pinophyta classis = Pinopsida ordo = Pinales familia = Pinaceae genus = Pinus subgenus = Ducampopinus sectio =… …   Wikipedia

  • bristlecone pine — akuotuotoji pušis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pušinių šeimos medieninis augalas (Pinus aristata), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Pinus aristata angl. bristlecone pine; Colorado bristlecone pine; Rocky Mountain bristlecone …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • bristlecone pine — noun small slow growing upland pine of western United States (Rocky Mountains) having dense branches with fissured rust brown bark and short needles in bunches of 5 and thorn tipped cone scales; among the oldest living things some over 4500 years …   Useful english dictionary

  • bristlecone pine — a pine, Pinus aristata, of the southwestern U.S., bearing short needles crowded into long, thick bundles and cones having scales tipped with a slender, curved spine. Also called hickory pine. [1890 95, Amer.; BRISTLE + CONE] * * * ▪ tree… …   Universalium

  • bristlecone pine — noun Date: 1893 either of two pines (Pinus longaeva and P. aristata) of the western United States that include the oldest living trees called also bristlecone …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • bristlecone pine — bris′tlecone pine′ n. pln a small pine, Pinus aristata, of the high S Rocky Mountains, bearing cones with spine tipped scales: believed to be the oldest living trees • Etymology: 1890–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • bristlecone pine — noun a very long lived shrubby pine of western North America. [Pinus longaeva.] …   English new terms dictionary

  • Great Basin Bristlecone Pine — Taxobox name = Great Basin Bristlecone Pine status = VU status system = iucn2.3 image width = 240px image caption = A Great Basin Bristlecone Pine in the White Mountains, California regnum = Plantae divisio = Pinophyta classis = Pinopsida ordo =… …   Wikipedia

  • Rocky Mountains Bristlecone Pine — Taxobox name = Rocky Mountains Bristlecone Pine status = LR/nt | status system = IUCN2.3 image width = 240px regnum = Plantae divisio = Pinophyta classis = Pinopsida ordo = Pinales familia = Pinaceae genus = Pinus subgenus = Ducampopinus species …   Wikipedia

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