

horror subliterature

b) A defined portion of an academic literature

a review of various subliteratures in the field

See Also: subliterary, subliterate

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  • subliterature — noun Date: 1952 popular writing (as mystery or adventure stories) considered inferior to standard literature …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • subliterature — subliterary, adj. /sub lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writing below the standards of literature as an art form. 2. a report or similar material written for immediate use and reproduced in an impermanent form. [1950 55; SUB +… …   Universalium

  • subliterature — sub·literature …   English syllables

  • subliterature — “+ noun Etymology: sub + literature : impermanent literature: as a. : inferior literature that does not survive the test of time b. : written material (as reports) duplicated in impermanent form (as by mimeographing or microfilming) usually… …   Useful english dictionary

  • novel — novel1 novellike, adj. /nov euhl/, n. 1. a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organization of action and scenes. 2. (formerly) novella (def. 1). [1560 70; …   Universalium

  • subliteratură — SUBLITERATÚRĂ s.f. Literatură de calitate proastă. – Sub1 + literatură (după engl. subliterature) Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 27.07.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  subliteratúră s. f. literatură Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … …   Dicționar Român

  • subliterary — adjective Date: 1936 relating to or being subliterature …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • subliterary — sub·lit·er·ar·y (sŭb lĭtʹə rĕr ē) adj. 1. Of, relating to, having the qualities of, or producing subliterature. 2. Not written as or intended to be literature: subliterary works such as letters and diaries. * * * …   Universalium

  • sub|lit|er|ar|y — «SUHB LIHT uh REHR ee», adjective. of, having to do with, or characteristic of subliterature: »Even aficionados of murder fiction will concede, in a moment of honesty, that except in the hands of a few writers it has been a subliterary product… …   Useful english dictionary

  • sub|lit|er|a|ture — «SUHB LIHT uhr uh chur, chuhr; LIHT ruh », noun. 1. writings with little or no literary merit; substandard literature: »The Tarzan books…from a lofty view…are subliterature (Edmund Fuller). 2. written accounts, such as laboratory reports and… …   Useful english dictionary

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