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amebae — n. microscopic one celled organism, amoeba … English contemporary dictionary
shelled amebae — testate amebae one of two subgroups of ameboid protozoa (class Lobosa), characterized by a body enclosed in a test, tectum, or other complex membrane external to the plasma membrane and glycocalyx. The order Arcellinida is in this group. The… … Medical dictionary
ramicristate amebae — one of two subgroups of ameboid protozoa (class Lobosa), characterized by mitochondria with branching, tubular cristae; they are typically “naked†i.e., without a test. In this group are the orders Centramoebida, Euamoebida, and Leptomyxida.… … Medical dictionary
Amebiasis — The state of being infected with amebae, especially with the ameba Entamoeba histolytica. * * * Infection with the protozoon Entamoeba histolytica. [ameba + G. iasis, condition] canine a. infection of dogs with Entamoeba histolytica acquired from … Medical dictionary
Entamoeba coli — Taxobox color = khaki name = Entamoeba coli image width = 240px image caption = Entamoeba coli cyst domain = Eukaryota kingdom = Protista phylum = Amoebozoa classis = Archamoebae genus = Entamoeba species = E. coli binomial = Entamoeba coli… … Wikipedia
Iodamoeba — A genus of parasitic amebae in the superclass Rhizopoda, order Amoebida. I. bütschlii a parasitic ameba in the large intestine of man; trophozoites are usually 9–14 μm in diameter; the cysts are usually 8–10 μm in diameter, uninucleate and… … Medical dictionary
medium — 1. A means; that through which an action is performed. 2. A substance through which impulses or impressions are transmitted. 3. SYN: culture m.. 4. The liquid holding a substance in solution or suspension. 5. Any of the substances in which a… … Medical dictionary
meningoencephalitis — An inflammation of the brain and its membranes. SYN: cerebromeningitis, encephalomeningitis. [meningo + G. enkephalos, brain, + itis, inflammation] acute primary hemorrhagic m. SYN: acute epidemic leukoencepha … Medical dictionary
Naegleria — A genus of free living soil, water, and sewage ameba (order Schizopyrenida, family Vahlkampfiidae) one species of which, N. fowleri, has been implicated as the causative agent of the rapidly fatal primary amebic meningoen … Medical dictionary
Rhizopoda — A superclass in the subphylum Sarcodina that includes the amebae of humans, having pseudopodia of various forms but without axial filaments. SYN: Rhizopodasida, Rhizopodea. [rhizo + G. pous (pod ), foot] * * * Rhi·zop·o·da rī zäp ə də n pl a… … Medical dictionary