- furlough
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Furlough — Fur lough, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Furloughed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Furloughing}.] (Mil.) To furnish with a furlough; to grant leave of absence to, as to an officer or soldier … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
furlough — ► NOUN ▪ leave of absence, especially from military duty. ► VERB US ▪ grant furlough to. ORIGIN Dutch verlof … English terms dictionary
furlough — [fʉr′lō] n. [earlier furloff < Du verlof, modeled on Ger verlaub < MHG verlouben, to permit < ver , FOR + loube, permission, akin to LEAVE2] a leave of absence; esp., a leave granted to military enlisted personnel for a specified period… … English World dictionary
Furlough — Fur lough, n. [Prob. fr. D. verlof, fr. a prefix akin to E. for + the root of E. lief, and akin to Dan. forlov, Sw. f[ o]rlof, G. verlaub permission. See {Life}, a.] (Mil.) Leave of absence; especially, leave given to an officer or soldier to be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
furlough — I noun absence, commeatus, holiday, leave, leave of absence, leisure, liberty, recess, respite, rest, suspension of work, time off, vacation II index holiday, leave (absence) Burton s Leg … Law dictionary
furlough — 1620s, vorloffe, from Du. verlof, lit. permission, from M.Du. ver completely, for + laf, lof permission, which is related to the second element in BELIEVE (Cf. believe) and to LEAVE (Cf. leave) (n.). The gh spelling developed by 1770s and… … Etymology dictionary
furlough — [n] leave of absence layoff, leave, liberty, rest and recreation, rest and recuperation, rest and relaxation, R R, sabbatical, shore leave, shutdown, vacation; concepts 802,807 … New thesaurus
Furlough — A furlough (IPAEng|ˈfɝloʊ) is a temporary leave of absence, especially from duty in the armed services or from a prison term. In these cases, a furlough is a vacation. In some Commonwealth countries (such as Australia and New Zealand), furlough… … Wikipedia
furlough — [[t]fɜ͟ː(r)loʊ[/t]] furloughs, furloughing, furloughed 1) N VAR If workers are given furlough, they are told to stay away from work for a certain period because there is not enough for them to do. [AM] This could mean a massive furlough of… … English dictionary
furlough — fur|lough [ˈfə:ləu US ˈfə:rlou] n [U and C] [Date: 1600 1700; : Dutch; Origin: verlof permission ] 1.) a period of time when a soldier or someone working in another country can return to their own country = ↑leave ▪ a young soldier home on… … Dictionary of contemporary English
furlough — I UK [ˈfɜː(r)ləʊ] / US [ˈfɜrloʊ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms furlough : singular furlough plural furloughs mainly literary a period of time during which someone is allowed to be away from a job or the armed forces II UK [ˈfɜː(r)ləʊ] / … English dictionary